12 - Your Mess

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Dedicated to Natalietan61

Dara is on the guitar shop looking for a guitar. After her work she head first there.

"How about this electric guitar, Ma'am?" The salesman asked.

"Ahmm... I don't think that's the color. Do you have something darker? " Dara asked.

"How about these, Ma'am?" The man showed her every electric guitar they have.

"Wait it has 'PCY' imprinted to it could you do that also?"

"Ahm. Yes we could" the man started to show her other guitars.

"Do you have specific electric guitar you are looking for, like its color and its brand?"

Dara thought for a while "I totally forget about it"

"Is this for your boyfriend?"

"No, his not..."

"I suggest you bring him here so he could choose what he really like, Ma'am."

"Oh?" Dara tried to smile. "I think I'll have to get its brand and color then."

Dara went home but when he passed along Yeol's house he notice Yeol is not yet home, his car is not there yet.

Dara slowly went closer to Yeol's house. She tried checking on their garbage can if there's a broken guitar but there's none. 'Should I check on the garage too? Most of the broken things are on the garage." Dara look around making sure no one is seeing her.

When Dara was on the garage, she tried checking the guitar on the cabinet there.

"It's not here. Did he keep it inside? Should I barge in besides I know how to open the back door?"

"You know?"

Dara almost jump. Kyungsoo was already there he was leaning on the wall of the garage.

Dara hold her chest. "Hoo! I almost had an heart attack."

"What are you doing?" Kyungsoo stand properly. Dara is speechless. "Oh. It was your mess then?"


"Yes. There's a really big mess on Yeol's room. So you did that."


"Follow me"

Dara's eyes are filled with question mark but she followed him anyway.

Kyungsoo has heading to Yeol's Room the moment Kyungsoo opened Yeol's room. Dara saw how he love music. His room was big there are kinds of instrument like guitar, drums and many more. In his shelves there are music pieces there. While on his table next to the guitar that looks like it's an old guitar, there is a note there.

"Is he composing?" Dara asked Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo hurriedly covered it.

"Hmm... Just wait for it!"

"Huh?" 'What does it mean?' Dara thought.

"This is you mess!" Kyungsoo pointed the guitar that's on Yeol's bed.

Dara nodded, feeling really embarrased. Dara went closer to the guitar.

"Can this still be fixed?" Dara sat next to the guitar.

"I'm not sure. But I think Yeol was searching for a tools earlier. I think his going to change the broken body of the guitar or fix the guitar himself."

"Tools? Well, I think we have some tools at the garage. I'm not sure what kind of tools he will use can you help me get it there."

Both of them went to the garage of Dara's house.

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