18 - the best way

39 7 2

Dedicated to


"Wait" Dara called yeol the moment Yeol went outside after giving the reunion invitation to her.

Yeol looked back as the door closed he saw Dara tried to stop the door from closing.

The rain started to pour. Dara step outside the door. And faced Yeol.

"Th... thank you for this" Dara raise the invitation.

Yeol smiled and nodded. Then he tried going home even when it's raining as he step down the porch.

"Hey it's raining." Dara called.

"It's fine." He replied.

"Take my umbrella!"

While going through the rain he looked backed at the concerned Dara, smiled and said "No. You'll need it later." Then he run towards home.

Dara was confuse as he look at him who was running because of the rain.

When she was inside her room she faced the window which is facing towards Yeols balcony, then she smiled. "It's nice to see you though" she then closed the curtain of the window.

On the other hand when Yeol was upstairs he looked through the glass door towards there balcony he focused his eyes on Dara's window even though it's not very clear because of the rain. He was serious and said "Let's meet again." And then he slowly walked toward his bedroom.

After the working hours Yeol started walking towards home. He was hoping he would see Dara on the way.

'I don't know how to face her again. I don't want to push her into knowing me again. But I mis...' Yeol's thought was interrupted when he almost bump into someone. "I miss you" Yeol accidentally muttered it out.

Dara moved backward when she almost bump into Yeol. Both of them were lost in thoughts while walking that they didn't even notice they meet in the road towards there home.

Both of there eyes meet Dara didn't know what to say.

"Ahmm..." Yeol taught of many excuses. He feels like his being clingy again.

Dara laughed to relieve the tention. She saw how Yeol was to embarrased that his ears are red as her lipstick.

Yeol was shocked on Dara's reaction.

Dara now burst out in laughter. it was the first time Yeol was so embarrassed that everything shows in his face that he doesn't know what to do.

She walked a head of Yeol.
Yeol followed her like he's clueless on why is Dara laughing.

"Why are you laughing?"

Dara ignored him and just walked. She then realize the beautiful sunset view around her. She looked up and had a beautiful smile on her lips.

Yeol was astonished as he looked at Dara in her side view.

"wow." Dara said while looking really amazed in the view.

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