Chapter11-Trouble in the midst

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We had been camping here for a week. Nothing new happened, but something felt off. Ike someone had been watching. As much as I had so hoped it was Josh, I didn't think it was. This something felt very, good. Like someone had been there to watch over us. As if they were protecting us because something was about to happen. Nicholas stayed pretty close to me for the week we were there, only to ensure I was okay. Kaleb hadn't been affected by the spell, he still had feelings, but I did not.

"Okay, now, hiking in the forbidden woods, it's dangerous, but we must see what happened for ourselves," Jay said continuing to walk among the trees and fallen leaves. Kaleb stayed in the back with Kyle, hoping to talk to him, only they knew because they were being very secretive.

"So, Jay, if these are forbidden to walk in, why are we doing it, it's forbidden, something bad is bound to happen to us," I said. I was being smart. If only my father was here with us at this moment.

"Okay, wise one, tell me, who, or what lives in these woods," He asked. I laughed.

"What tribe, there are many, some are evil doers, only here to kill, some to protect sacred land, and some, to protect the ones who come to seek," I said. He stopped. Something was wrong. I felt it, and so did Jay.

"Right, well, enough for today, everyone back to camp," he said. But right before he turned around, a beast, with sharp claws and fangs, and leathery skin, with red eyes, jumped down from a tree. It was the size of a human, but as ugly as the devil himself. He began wandering towards us, as Jay slowly stepped back. My heart pounded in my chest as if I were feeling the anger that this beast was feeling.

"Why are you here," The beast asks, with a raspy voice. Jay didn't answer. He kept stepping back, like he was, afraid.

"We do not wish to harm you, we only seek answers," I spoke. It looked at me, directly. It is seen, in me.

"Young Vanneka, warrior to her tribe, you are famous in these parts of town," He said, with happiness in his voice. That happy sound made me wonder if he wasn't just a watcher.

"Are you a watcher," I asked, I started venturing towards him, Jay tried to grab my arm but I pulled away.

"Indeed I am Vanneka, now, I vow not to harm you or your group of friends, only if you go back home, and keep away from these parts," He said. I nodded. He just wanted us to be safe.

"Okay, well, I have one question," I asked. Not five seconds after that the beast grabbed me from under my butt and picked me up bridal style. I felt a warm presence. He didn't want to harm me, he wanted to help me.

"VANNEKA," Karla yelled. Crystal and Vannessa tried to move but were frozen.

"Don't, I'll be okay," I said nodding my head. They knew then he wasn't going to hurt me.

He ran, fast like a vampire, taking me away from everyone. I enjoyed the breeze from the thin air. He was strong and warm. It wasn't as if I had ever done this before, so I relaxed in his grasp. He finally stopped in a cave. It was a solid cave; it almost looked like the one we lived in for years. But then something familiar came from the shadows. A woman, with white hair, and perfect eyes.

"Grams," I said. She nodded and hugged me. I couldn't believe this. Grams was here.

"What are you doing here," I asked. She sighed and waited to say anything before she knew it was safe.

"When you left, I did some thinking, I knew these woods, very well, and so I came to greet an old friend," She pointed at the beast, who now was human.

"This is, Luthor, he's the watcher over these parts, he's helped so many times, he is a lycan, vampire, beast," She said. He was about the same age as Dad. He was mildly handsome and had red and brown mixed eyes.

"So you knew my grandmother was here," I asked, and he nodded. Grams began talking once more.

"We knew that you were in danger, there are things out there that want you Vanneka things that would love to see you dead, they were watching and waiting for the right moment," She said. Oh, no.

"Wait, the group-"

"Are perfectly safe, you are what they want, and they will not get you," She said. I nodded in understanding.

That was it, wasn't it? Grams was only trying to keep me from harm and sent that Lycan to capture me. I was stuck here in this cave with her until everyone left. If they gave up looking for me, they'd have to leave. And when they did, we'd leave, but only when they left. This wasn't what I had in mind everything happens for a reason. Maybe this was to keep them from harm, and I was a bonus. Grams talked to me for what seemed like hours, about the second ring, and my dad. I didn't understand at first but it was becoming so clear.

The night was, long, and restless, worrying about my group, that was all I could do. Honestly, I wish I was out there with them, but I was safer here with Grams and Luthor. I somehow knew they were okay without me. It didn't change the fact that I wanted to be there with them. But even though I couldn't be with them physically, I could spiritually. And that is what happened, they couldn't see me, and I couldn't see them, but my spirit could. It's like I died, but don't remember a thing.

Something in the mystic fog(Book2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora