Chapter:8:Summer Camp?

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*A few weeks later*
Toshinori and his class mates sat on the crowded bus as the camp came into view. "Alright You Kids Ready for Three weeks of hard training" no body answered Gran Torino. "Alright that 2000 push-ups once we reach camp" Gran Torino said sternly. "Don't worry Tosh it'll fun Trust me" Fukatsu smiled placing his hand on Toshinori's shoulder soothing his anxiety. All of the students continued to chatter. "I hope Shimura-Sensei doesn't get lonely without me" Toshinori says hugging his bag tight. "We both know that Shimura-Sensei is already planning for the moment we return" Toshinori's face regained it's color and He smiled. "Yeah" just then a sleeping bag jostled and sat up. Fukatsu and Toshinori jumped out of their skin. "What it's just me and don't scream like that it hurts my ears" Aizawa said looking at the two with his sleep deprived face. "Oh" the two took a well deserved sigh of relief. "We had thought you were a monster or worse a Villain" Aizawa sighed "yeah like a villain could find us all the way out here.

Meanwhile miles away from camp an ominous black could loomed over the tree line. "That Kid will be mine"

To be continued

Pro Hero Files:Toshinori Yagi:High School yearsWhere stories live. Discover now