Our Future?

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Luke came in the room to see Cyclone at the sitting area, holding the book he asked Quake to get in his palms. Luke went over to him.

" Cyclone? " he said quietly. But that was enough to make him jump.

" Ah! Ah! What, what? I'm here! " Cyclone said as he dropped the book on the floor. Luke was startled as well.
" Woah, dude. Take it easy, it is just me, " he said, kneeling down to get the book for him.

" Huff.... Sorry, I was in my own world, " Cyclone said, positioning himself on the couch again. Luke handed him the book and sat next to him.

" Are you going to read it? " Luke asked. " I don't know. This book is from the Black Magic category. If you open it, you might feel completely different after, " Cyclone said.

" Then I'll read it, " Luke said. Cyclone looked at him.

" What? " he said.

" Humans have that effect, while aliens don't. Since I am part alien, I should able to read it no problem, " Luke said. Cyclone was concerned about him, because they didn't know the side effects the book could do to an alien.

Luke's hand tapped Cyclone's. " I'll be fine, Cyclone. It's a book, what could go wrong? " he said.

Cyclone looked at the book, then at Luke. " Be careful, okay? " he said, handing him the book. Luke nodded. He looked at the cover of the book.

It seemed very old and was all dusty. On the cover said Black Fortune. He opened the book to start the reading session.

" Gasp! " Luke gasped. He closed the book immediately, panting slightly. This worried Cyclone.

" Are you okay, Luke? " he asked. Luke vigorously shook his head, feeling dizzy.

" I cannot read it, Cyclone... Once I opened the book, I suddenly felt dizzy and nauseous... " he said weakly. Cyclone took the book from Luke's hands.

" You don't have to, it's okay. We'll just have to find another way to read this book, " Cyclone said. Luke nodded.

" But, I did see something, " he said, making Cyclone look at him.

" What? " he asked.

" I saw a man, in black armor. He was scared and unsure... His mouth was open.. As if he was shouting for help, " Luke said, his eyes wide when he looked at Cyclone.

Cyclone was concerned and confused. He took Luke's hand. " Come on, Luke. You need to rest. Get in bed, buddy, " he said, helping Luke up. He took him to his bed and left him to sleep.

Cyclone walked out the room with the book in hand. He clenched it. " I need to talk to Aiden, " he said.

" ... And that's what he said he saw, " Cyclone said when he had finished explaining to Aiden. Aiden floated above him.

" Very interesting. I have never heard of an event like that before, " he said.

" But do you know someone who does? " Cyclone asked. Aiden landed on his feet.

" Yes, in fact, I do. I'm not the spirit of magics, that's not who I am. But, there is someone who is and may be able to help you. But to get her interact with her, you need to send her descendant to do this matter, " he said.


Leaf walked along the halls with Cyclone's book in his hands. He remembered what his big brother had told him to do.


" Leaf? Do you have a minute? " Cyclone said as he walked to Leaf's computer, where Leon and him were working on something.

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