Emperor Aeron

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???'s POV(person 1)

I stare out from behind the bars of my cell, my gaze shifts to an unpleasant scene. Many people who I knew a few hours ago, are now dead. I want to go home. There's no way out. I'm stuck. Oh, please, brother, stay safe, stay alive. As I think about these thought, the guard barges into my cell room and yells, "Get up maggot!! It's time to do your studies.!!" Ugh. Studies. Study my butt!! I hate my "studies". I then hurry up out of my cell and the guard leads me to my "studies".

As soon as I enter the  room, I am pushed into the chair sitting in the middle of the room. The room is a small dark room with a single chair in the middle of the room and the only source of light comes from the monitors situated in front of the chair. The chair is not what would be considered as a "normal chair". This chair has "handcuff" like things that strap down your wrist and ankles once you are seated in the chair. It sort of looks like an electric chair but less dangerous. This chair is meant to keep you from trying to escape. 

As soon as I sit down, the straps buckle down around my ankles and wrist. This is what "they" consider "studies". They soon start up the  monitor and they have a machine that holds up my eye lids so I can't fall asleep or close them.

On the screen, plays an informational video about how everyone should "respect" and "love" emperor Aeron (Aeron comes from the Celtic goddess of battle and slaughter).  The video shows fake footage of Aeron being "helpful". He kidnaps people and uses them to his advantage, to benefit him. Why should I bow down to someone who separated me from my family? No matter how many videos they show me and how they try to talk the emperor up, I will not bow down to him. In fact, if it wasn't for these stupid guards and chains, I would've ran away with my brother already. Who know's where we would go, just somewhere far away.  Aeron slaughters anyone who get's in his way or he doesn't deem worthy enough for working for him.

???'s POV (Person 2)

Help. Someone. Anyone. 

My whole body is aching from all the excruciating pain that "they" have put me through. They lash me with whips as I hang dreadfully from the wall in chains. When will this be over? What did I do to deserve this? As sweat trickles down my face, the guard, once again, whips me with the whip, but this time he laughs at my pain. Tears mixed with sweat trickle down my face and onto the cold hard cement floor. Soon enough the guards unchain me from the wall and once I hit the ground, I feel weak. The guards just taunt me as I lay helplessly on the cold floor. They eventually forcefully pull me off the ground and push me using their modernized guns. 

They lead out to my cell and throw me into against the cell wall and he slams the door and walks away with the other guard trailing behind him. I then drop to the floor. I curl up in a ball and cry.  At this point I don't even care if other prisoners see me. I just want to leave. These past few years have been terrible. I haven't given up yet. I believe that there are still good people who are trying to help us. Obviously the government isn't going to help us anytime soon. Please, if you're out there, please help me and these other innocent people.        

AN: Thank You guys for supporting my story. More chapters, whenever I get more time. 

Tomorrow's Reign(Suga X Reader)/SequelHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin