A frightful Awakening

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Your POV

Once I head into the room, I see Suga lying in the bed while Hobi lays on the floor. "Are you sure want to sleep on the floor?" Hobi chuckles a little and smiles up at me, "Of course not but I will sleep on the floor for you my lovely sunshine." I blush at his comment. I then walk over to Hobi and give him a quick kiss on the forehead, "You are so kind." With that, before I turn to head over to the bead, I can see his cheeks turn bright red. "And let's not forget sweet sweet Suga." I laugh at myself while Suga just watches me calmly. I see him occasionally look away towards Hobi. I then head over to the bed and get in the bed with Suga. Hobi then sits up on the floor and watches us, "Don't try anything Yoongi." With that he smirks and you can see Yoongi's face burn bright red. "(y/n) is a good girl, she would never try anything." Hobi then looks over to me, "If he tries anything, tell me and I will deal with him. Mom will not be very happy to hear of your actions Yoongi." I notice that they are referring to Jin as 'Mom'. Suga then struggles to speak, "I-I, shut up Hoseok!!" With that he turns away from me. I then sit on my knees and move closer to Suga and kiss his cheek gently.

Suga's POV

The look on Hoseok's face is priceless when (y/n) leans over to kiss my cheek. I am so flustered I barely notice Hoseok staring at me. As (y/n) kissed me, her soft lips felt gentle on my warm skin. They were so soft. I have a certain urge to press her lips against my own but I will respect her and I will not kiss her. Ugh. Why do I have these thoughts? This is wrong. The touch of her lips on my skin is invigorating. She makes me yearn for more of her touch. I can't deny it anymore.... I love (y/n). "Good night." I hear her voice as she lays down to go to sleep. "Good night Yoongi, good night Hobi." The way she says my name makes me yearn for her more. "Good night (y/n)." Hobi says as he lays back down to get comfortable. With that I turn off the light and say good night to everyone.

(Reader's) Mom's POV

"Make sure all the camera's are in place and make sure on the day of the execution the camera's are ready to record." The execution day for all of them are almost here. Oh no, boss is calling. "Yes, hello your majesty.... Yes your majesty everything is almost ready. Will I get a reward for helping you sir? Yes he is setting up everything up. The plan is working exactly as planned.... Yes they should be here soon, a month, tops.... Yes, we will get right on that sir." With that, I head to work right away.

???'s POV

The sounds of swords clashing to the ground ring in my ears. 'You will be destroyed. There is nothing you can do about it.' A voice says from the sky, shaking the ground. Someone brave, powerful, full of leadership, compassion, love, justice and selflessness, will rise above you and your reign will come to an end and you WILL be destroyed."There he is!!" A voice yells out. They are gathered around me. I'm trapped. No way out. Someone help me.

With that I wake up in a cold sweat. My adviser's are all around telling me to get up. I quickly get up and start shouting orders for my subjects to do. I then gather everyone into the conference room and start the meeting. "Listen everyone, your mission is not to capture them, your new mission is to kill them in about a month or so if they do not show up. I will break them until they can't function correctly. Do you understand?" Everyone nods in agreement. "Now here is the new plan...." With that we discuss the plans and I soon dismiss the meeting, "Meeting dismissed."

Namjoon's POV

The next morning I urgently wake up everyone up in a hurry. Everyone sheepishly gets up and walks into the kitchen. I do not wake up my parents, I do not want them to worry." Suga looks especially grumpy, he does not like to be woken up. Tae is halfway asleep on the couch and Jimin is wide awake clinging onto a pillow. They can be mad at me later after they listen to this voice recording. (y/n) ask, "What is this all about?" She shares a look of worry with Hobi and Jin. I start, "This morning I woke up to check my phone and this message was sent to me by unknown and the phone number is not available." I then set down my phone on the table and turn up the volume so everyone can hear. The voice is a deep manly voice, "Hello friends. Guess what? Change of plans, if you do not find your siblings in lets say about 2 or 3 months, I will kill them. Guess what? (y/n) I know you are listening to this recording. I know exactly where your brothers are. You have two options here, find your siblings and be killed or don't find them and they will be killed. This message will be destroyed in 45 seconds." As the seconds go by and the message is destroyed, we stand in awe, unable to comprehend what we just heard.

Suddenly I turn over to look at (y/n), she looks heartbroken. I don't know what to do or say. Out of all of us she has been through the most. Her parents are psycho's, two of her brothers were murdered by her parents, the other two have been abducted,she witness her friends being tortured by her psychotic parents. I can't say I know how she's feeling because I don't but I do know how she feels about her missing brothers.

Your POV

After I heard the message I went to the room I stayed in last night, and I sat on the bed unable to contemplate what just happened. Suga soon walks into the room and he sits besides me on the bed. He doesn't say anything for about 5 minutes straight. Tears start to form in my eyes and Suga looks at me. He uses his hand to tilt my head up so I am looking into his eyes. In a soft low voice, "You know, it is okay to cry. Here." Suga then leans my head against his shoulder, "I will be your shoulder to cry on. Trust me. Whatever you are feeling, just let it out on me, even if you want to punch me, go ahead, you need to express your feelings." With that I start crying and telling him how I feel, "What that message meant was that everything that we have done until this point, it was all a setup for worse things to come. The handwriting, the clues, Exo, Escaping my dad, it was all a setup. I will risk my life until I find my brothers. They could be in more danger than me. I despise my parents." With that I punch Yoongi's shoulder. "Ow. That hurt." He says sarcastically. I laugh a little, "You said I could punch you if I needed too." Yoongi smiles and chuckles lightly at me, "Oh? You got me! Using my own words against me." With that I lean my head back on his shoulder and he wraps me in an embrace. "It's okay to let down your guard sometimes. It is okay to cry. Just know that if you ever need anyone to talk to, you always have me." With that Yoongi kisses me gently on the cheek, his very lips make me crave his touch more.

We soon pull away from the embrace, "And Yoongi, you always have me if you need someone to talk too." A few moments later we head out of the room where the rest of the group is situated.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I am actually really proud of this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. Please tell me if I am suspenseful enough, as the author, I cannot tell if it has enough suspense. I would appreciate your criticism.

Tomorrow's Reign(Suga X Reader)/SequelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang