Taking Charge

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Suga's POV

Ugh. This could be a problem. I am supposed to be in charge of this mission and  so far I have not done anything helpful. (y/n) and everyone else is really suffering and I'm not doing anything to help them. We have about 3 months to find everyone and I am not doing anything to help anyone. Everyone needs as much as they can get. I want to be able to be brave a strong and take up the leadership role but I don't think that's going to happen. I try to act cool and calm and confident but the truth is that I am a mess. I am afraid that I I won't be able to see my brother ever again. I'm afraid that on this journey we will end up losing those closest to us. Look at me now, I'm pathetic. Thinking about all of the negative consequences of the trip instead of how can I help. I want to be a great leader, just like Namjoon. 

No. I will not be weak. I will be strong for the members and for the one I love the most, (y/n). She shows leadership amazingly. She's confident. She's not focused on the negative things. The only thing that's good about being at your lowest state is that there is only one way you can go, up. Once you've hit rock bottom you can only go up towards the light. Up towards the light and out of the darkness. Of course there will be struggles along the way that's just how life is. There is nothing you can do about those struggles other to endure them and keep going upwards till you reach your destination. 

I quickly start listening to RM as he speaks, "Okay, so, we have 3 months at most to save our siblings." Jin cuts off Namjoon before he can finish speaking. "Wait, in the recording they said that when we found our siblings we would die. If we didn't find them then they would die." The room then goes silent. Jimin soon starts to speak in a quiet voice, "Sometimes you have to do crazy things for the ones you love." He then looks all around the room. I try to  hold back my tears, he's right. I would do anything save him and the rest, including my brother. 

Just then I remember something that was in the recording a small detail but it might be vital to finding our siblings. "Hey, I don't know if you guys noticed it but in the background you could hear two distinct noises, you could hear a male voice and you could hear a few people begging for mercy in the background." Everyone's eyes were all fixed on me. 

"The voice didn't sound like anyone familiar. No, not any of BTS's siblings. I could be wrong but it sounded like he said in a very quiet voice saying SOS. Save Our Souls. Guys, wherever they are, it is not here. Whoever they are, it is more than just our siblings. We need to help them. " Jungkook then starts, "How do you know  that it is not here?" I then say, "Remember those notes that were decoded? The first message read, "Find Namjoon." That must mean someone wanted Namjoon to find the note. That is not the important part though. The important part is the second message, It read, Malnupe, SOS, Ren, Akari and Emperor." Everyone looks at me with confused faces. "Malnupe and Emperor are the key words. I think that Malnupe is an island that has something to do with an Emperor. I think Ren and Akari are people who were abducted and taken to that island and they need help escaping." 

The room is then silent. Namjoon starts to speak soon, "If they do need help, how do they know my name? I don't know anyone named Ren and Akari." Baekhyun then starts to speak, "Ren and Akari probably know someone who knows you." (y/n) then speaks up, "Geongmin. Of course. She probably knows some people who were abducted and taken to Malnupe. They might be close friends of hers and she is trying to save them before it's too late." 

Namjoon then rushes up the stairs and soon comes back down with a book. A year book. "Maybe there are some pictures of them in her year book" Namjoon says. We search through the book for about 10 minutes before we actually find something. We found both of their pictures side by side. They both had short light brown hair. One had bright green eyes while the other had light brown eyes.  The unusual thing about their pictures are that neither had a last name.

Tomorrow's Reign(Suga X Reader)/SequelWhere stories live. Discover now