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Akari's POV

Before we are rushed off to the other room, the Empress calls me into so that I may speak with her alone. I hate her with a deep passion. She waves off the guards and soldiers so that it is just me and her in the big luxurious room all alone except for one guard.

The empress then gets up off of her throne and walks over to me. The guard tries to push me down to force me to bow down to her. I will not bow to someone who killed so many innocent people. She waves him off, "No need to force him to bow." She continues walking towards me until me and her are right in front of her. I can feel her breath from where I am standing. Ew, it smells like fish. I'm surprised that she didn't eat some of the people who she has killed. She then takes her thumb and rubs it against my lips, I move away so she cannot resist. "Darling..." She starts, "How long will you hide the fact that me and you are meant to be together?" I stare at her blankly not saying anything. Why does she not get that I don't like her? "You and your brother could live a luxurious life here with me in peace. You could rule here with me, you could be my Emperor and your brother could be the next heir to my Domain and all the Divisions."

I take a deep heavy sigh, "I will not marry one who inflicts torture and pain towards innocent people. I am not one of your guards to fool around and play with. I refuse to be with someone as evil as you." I say to her with anger starting to show in my voice. To which she responds saying, "Darling, please don't say rude things like that about me." "And stop calling me darling. I am not your darling." With that, I walk out of the room. The guard tries to stop me but I just ignore him and the empress mutters something like, "Don't bother, he can't go far. He WILL be mine. You'll see. I always get what I want. Dead or Alive, we will be together." With that, the doors behind me close.

I eventually find the room that my brother was taken to. "Hey little bro." I rub the top of his head, I missed these moments where we got to be ourselves and have fun. "Ren. This is something that I cannot decide on my own. What should we do?" Ren contemplates and then his face saddens, "I don't think I want to do it." "Why not?" I ask him. "Listen all around you Akari." For a moment all I can hear are the shrieks and cries of the innocent. "I can't leave these people who are suffering. Even if it means I have to suffer with them. Akari.... We have two options here. We can either save ourselves and live a luxurious life or we can stay with the weak and try our best to help them but at the same time suffer with them." I contemplate on this for a moment. "I understand what you are saying and at first I agreed with you about staying with the weaker but then I thought, if we have a high position, we will have a higher position than the soldiers and the guards. We will have more opportunities to help them with better chances of surviving. The question is, which do we choose?

Namjoon's POV

Sometimes I worry about (y/n). She is always so lively and hardworking but I don't think she really thinks through situations. She probably can't think straight because her brothers lives are on the line. Well, her only brothers that are still alive. I appreciate her dedication to her brothers but sometimes I wish that she would give herself time to think over situations. I can tell that the other members are also worried about her. Especially Yoongi.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" I ask her. She smiles brilliantly at me and says, "I'm sure." With that, the members set out to help her get ready. Jin helps (y/n) look the part of an empress. Me and Tae give her the information she needs to complete this challenge. Of course, she's not going by herself. She decided to bring, Yoongi, Baekhyun, Kai, Luhan and Jin. Of course the empress probably has already seen Jin and Yoongi so they need a total new makeover. Different hair color, different contacts, different hairstyle(maybe), Different personalities, different clothes.

Jin went from this:

Jin went from this:

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