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It is very unusual to have year book pictures without last names. All it says is Akari and Ren. Just then (y/n) comes up with a sugestion, "Hey, I think we should take a visit to your old school, Namjoon. They obviously went to the same school as you so let's pay a visit to your old school." Me and the others agree with her. I tell my parents that we are about to leave but before we leave they tell me that we can't go yet until we eat lunch. "Ajumma, you do not have to feed us. I can pay for us to eat out. There are a lot of us." (y/n) says kindly to my mother. How can she be so kind to people in times like this? My mother just waves her away, "Nonsense dear, it is no trouble cooking for all of you. In the meantime you guys need to relax. I haven't seen you guys relax since you got here." Jin then steps in, "We're sorry for causing you stress ajumma but we only have 3 months to find them and if we don't find them...." Jin's voice trails off, "Then they will die." Of course we can't tell my parents that if we find them then we will die. My mother would freak and she would insist that we stop our investigation. I will not give up because of some stupid death threat. 

"Okay everyone, I order all of you to relax until lunch is ready. After lunch you are free to do whatever you like." (y/n) bows and thanks my mother for her concern. For the next couple hours we just relax. Although, Yoongi and (y/n) seem to be getting along better. 

Your POV

Me and Yoongi sit next to each other on the couch. Yoongi tells me a bunch of Jin's legendary jokes and how corny they are and Jin sits accross the couch from us yelling at Yoongi about how good his jokes are. I just sit there laughing at the both of them quarreling back and forth. Just then some puts their hands over my eyes so I can't see them. They whisper in my ear, "Guess whoo?" Right away I can tell who it is just from his deep voice. "Is it Tae-Tae?" He uncovers my eyes and smiles down at me while I smile back up to him. "How did you know?" He asks me, making a pouty face." "I can recognize your voice from all the others, you are the only member with a really deep and low voice." He laughs as ushers me off the couch. Yoongi then glares at Tae who is holding my hand indicating me to follow him. 

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"What is it?" I ask Tae

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"What is it?" I ask Tae. "It's a surprise." "For me?" "Yeah." He then leads me outside where Jungkook is sitting on the swing. Tae then starts to yell at Jungkook, "What are you doing here? I told you I was supposed to be hanging out with (y/n). " Jungkook then smirks at Tae, "I know. That's  why I came. I can't leave her alone with someone like you." They then start to argue and I jump in the middle of their argument, "Hey, I can hang out with both of you. Let's go somewhere fun." I then smile brilliantly to the both of them. "Yeah, Lets go." Jungkook says. "I want to invite Yoongi to come with us." I tell them. They look upset that I invited Yoongi but they did not complain. This will be an interesting trio, Vkookmin. 

"What was the surprise?" I ask them. Tae looks at me. "I was going to ask you if you wanted to hang out. Just the two of us. No one else." My heart then stops, I feel bad now. "I'm sorry Tae, maybe later after we find our siblings, we can hang out." I give him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Jungkook then looks sad, "Let's not forget the baby of the group, Oppa Jungkook." I then give him a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Let's go visit the Zoo or the waterpark." I sugest to them.  

"Sure. Wherever you want to go." Jungkook says to me smiling. 

(Person 1) Ren's POV 

I am greeted by the emperor sitting on their throne, though I cannot see their face because their chair is facing the opposite wall of me. Just then the soldier pushes me down on to my knees, "You will bow in the presence of your highness." I hate this. If I hadn't let down my guard, I would've struggled while I had the chance. How could I be so stupid as to let down my guard in an awful place like this?  

The emperor then starts to speak, "Welcome my subject. This is my Domain. I have situated you in the poor division. Throughout this Domain there are different sections called Divisions. You were in the poor division. I have order you here on my behalf to see your brother again." With that I see a familiar face and green eyes being pushed into the room by a guard. (Guards and Soldiers are different but sometimes soldiers do the guards job but not the other way around). 

Tears start to swell in my eyes. I thought he was dead. In that moment I couldn't move. I was in a state of shock. Everything around me seemed a blur. I could hear my brothers faint voice in the distance but I couldn't call out to him. I could barley see him. 

I then eventually snap out of the trans and I am greeted by my brothers sobs. He looks like he's been through much worse than I have. The solider and guard both let me and my brother down with the word of the Emperor.  Me and Akari hold each other for a while, not saying anything. We just cry in each others arms. 

Oh how I've missed him. He then starts to whisper in my ear what he's been through and I tell him my story. I get even angrier at the emperor who did this to me and Akari and all those other people. My hands start to quiver as I think about what Akari told me. He told me that the emperor locked him in chains against the wall and hung him there for hours, never getting a break. It was tiring for him to hang up there. I believe him. He still fought the pain. I whisper in his ear, "Don't let the emperor get to you. Survive until it's over and I will do the same. 

(person 2) Akari's POV 

My little brother is much stronger than he looks and he is very brave. I don't tell him enough but I love him. 

The guard (and soldier) than pulls me and Ren back up to our feet. They try to push us down to our knees but we refuse to stop fighting. I will not rest until me and my brother are safe. 

The emperor than begins to speak, as the guards (soldiers) have failed to make us bow, "I have heard that you guys are trouble makers and very tough...." The emperor than turns around. The emperor turns out to be a female which could be inferred by her voice. She has dark black hair and a slim figure. Her skin is a pale white, I guess she doesn't get out much. Ugh. This is the emperor. I despise her. She is the one for the cause of the girl's death. She is the one who separated me and Ren. 

She continues..."Don't fret, I am not here to kill you both or separate you. Even though I should since you two are the most troublesome here in Malnupe. I have order you here in my domain today because I would like to request your protection. I will give you two 10 minutes to discuss your answer. You will not be separated from each other this time. Servants, send them away." With that, we were off to another room to discuss our plans.

AN: My schedule has now allowed me to upload more, I do not have a schedule for when I upload but I hope to at least upload once or twice a week and If I am  lucky I might upload more than that in a week. 

Also, I do not own any of these pictures. 

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