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Your POV

Once we are all Namjoon's parents house, we ask his parents for permission to search his house. I do a lot of talking besides Namjoon because maybe they will be more understanding because I am a girl. "Pardon our intrusion, but, we would like to have permission to search your house. We are friends of your son, Namjoon. My name is (y/n), a pleasure to meet you oppa and ajumma." I then bow down to Namjoon's parents in respect. They then bow back down to me. His mother then says, "Excuse me for being nosy but, why do you want to search my house?" I then say in the sincerest voice I can muster, "I heard about the disappearance of your daughter. Along with your daughter, Geongmin, the rest of BTS's sibling also disappeared. We believe that maybe Geongmin left a hint. If we can find that hint, maybe we can find the rest of their siblings. " 

Namjoon's parents look at us with eyes of pity, his mother looks at their father and he nods in approval. "Sure, only, please refrain from tearing up the house and please put things back in place when you are done. There is a lot of you so maybe you some of you should do something else while the rest of you are looking for the "hint"." Namjoon then thanks his parents and we all bow to them in respect. We then take his mothers advice and some our split up to do research about the word tomorrow and some search around nearby buildings and around the neighborhood.  

Jungkook's POV

Me, D.O. and Kris were in charge of different buildings and places around Namjoon's neighborhood. While we were searching for nearby restaurants, I noticed something strange on the ground. While Kris and D.O. were having a separate conversation, I noticed a small white piece of paper sticking out of the cracks of the sidewalk. I then pick up the paper and it has the letters, 'Nnoojma Fdni.' I motion my hands towards Kris and D.O. who have stopped their conversation to look over to me, they then walk over to me. I show them the note that I found on the ground, they look at me like I am crazy.

Kris speaks up, "Dude, how do you even know that this is even a clue about Geongmin?" D.O. then speaks up, "This could just be a random note with a bunch of strange words written on them." I contemplate on this, "I don't know. I won't ever know if I don't evaluate this note. Maybe Namjoon can help me. It looks like a code, or maybe Yoongi can help, he is very smart. Who knows what he hides in the brain of his." D.O. gives the suggestion to find things that Geongmin wrote and compare it to the handwriting on the note. "If it is the same handwriting we can infer that she was the one  who wrote the note.

 "Can I see that?" Kris motions his hand for me to hand him the note. I then hand him the note. He takes the note and studies it using the sunlight. He then turns the paper over to the back. "There's some sort of check list on the back. It reads, 'Mpeunla,SSO, Rne, ,Airak, Erorepm'" Kris says, analyzing the note. Just then I get a call from Namjoon, "Hello?" "Hey, Jungkook, have you guys found anything yet?" "Yeah, we found a note with some strange code on it." "Well we also found something that might help us. Bring the note with you and head back to my house so we can analyze the note." "Okay, we will be there in a few." "Bye." "Bye." and with that, we head off towards his house.   

Once we get to his house, everyone else is either standing or sitting in various places all around the house, waiting for us. "Took you long enough." Suga says in a monotone voice. 

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Suga's POV

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Suga's POV

Jungkook soon places the notes he found on the ground, and he places them onto the table centered in the middle of the kitchen. We then compare the handwriting on the note to Geongmin's handwriting and we identify that it is her handwriting. I then analyze the notes in silence, thinking about all the possible ways  I can decode the message. Then I notice something strange, "Most of the words have at least one letter that is capitalized." I then show the other members the note. Taehyung takes the note, "Maybe the capital letters represent the first letter of the word." "Hmmm.... Maybe it is." I write down the capital letters of the words. One word in particular stands out. "SSO. What does that mean? All the letters are capitalized. " (y/n) speaks up, "Can I see that note?" Taehyung then hands her the note. "Maybe this word is an important word considering that is in all caps. If I rearrange the letters...." She then takes her  time rearranging the letters. "It reads, 'SOS', save our souls. Someone needs help, but who?" As we try to continue decoding the message, we notice a pattern, "The capital letter is first then the last letter of the un-coded word goes next. After that, the rest of the word is in order. " We eventually decode the messages. The front message reads, "Find Namjoon" The second message said, "Malnupe, SOS, Ren, Akari, Emperor"

(y/n) looks at the decoded message closely and says, "Someone need help, possibly Ren and Akari are friends of Geongmin and I am not sure what Malnupe is yet." We then all sit in the room in an awkward silence. "Let's  go to the library and do some research on Malnupe." Just then , Namjoon's parents walk into the room. "Not today. You guys must eat and get some rest so you will be well rested for tomorrow, so you can continue your research. " Namjoon's mother tells us. His father then speaks, "You guys can stay with us until you are done your research. Though, I am not sure we have enough rooms." (y/n) speaks up, "That's okay, I can sleep on the floor and the others can share a room." Namjoon's mother smiles, "You are very kind dear but I'm sure the others won't mind sleeping on the floor or on the couch." I raise my hand to grab everyone's attention, "I can sleep on the floor or the couch." (y/n) then waves me off, "That is not necessary, you and Hoseok can share a room with me. You guys can have the bed. I will sleep on the floor." Hoseok then walks over to (y/n) and pats her on the head. He then grabs her hands and faces her, "Dear little one, you are very kind but you and Suga can take the bed. I will sleep on the floor." She looks at Hoseok with a look of concern, "Are you sure Hobi?" The way she calls him by his nickname sends chills down my spine. "Yes, I am sure." He then looks her in the eyes with eyes of sincerity.

After that, we make sleeping arrangements and we all head to our lodging room for the night. 

Your POV

After everyone heads to their rooms for the night, Ajumma pulls me to the side for a quick talk, "Thank you again for helping us find our daughter and now our son. We haven't seen him since he was abducted all those years ago. Thank you. You also seem to be the one who keeps all the boys in line. For a present, I would like to let you borrow some of Geongmin's clothes." I decline her offer a few times before accepting. She shows me to her room which is now used for storage. She lets me chose something to wear out of Geongmin's closet. I decide to wear some blue jean shorts and an over-sized sweatshirt. Ajumma tells me that it use to be Namjoon's but he gave it to his sister as a present to remember him by. I thank her and head to the bathroom to take a shower.

After my shower, I put on the clothes ajumma lend me to wear and I head to the room where I am staying with Hobi and Yoongi. 

A/N: I will try to upload at least once a week but since it is the end of the year I am busy with school and so if I do not upload, I apologize ahead of time. 

Tell me, is there enough suspense in my story? Do I need to add anything? If there is anything you would like to see in the future, feel free to message me or comment, I will try to reply as soon as possible.

Tomorrow's Reign(Suga X Reader)/SequelWhere stories live. Discover now