That Unspoken Day

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Soon, Yoongi walks back in the room with (y/n) trailing not far behind him. They are both kind of flustered. I can tell Yoongi is trying not show how flustered he is, but I can see through his mask. I wonder what happened in there. He is pretty good at hiding his embarrassment but I can see right through his act. I have never seen him so flustered before. I will ask him later about what happened in there. 

??'s POV (Person 1) 

After the video is done, the guards pull me up out of the chair  forcefully and they drag me by arms to my cell room. Of course. Back to my cell.  Again. I hate this stupid cell. While others are free enjoying their lives, I am stuck behind bars in this stupid cell. They will probably start dragging me out of this cell soon to labor. I miss those times I spent with my brother. We use to laugh and have fun playing in the front yard. We would hang out with our friends and play soccer after school... Until that one frightful day. EVERYTHING CHANGED. 


I was packing up my things to get ready to leave school when the announcement came on over the intercom, "Be careful on your way home students. "They're" here again." With that the intercom went silent and all the students were complaining that "they" were here again. "They" come very frequently. Every month or every couple weeks "they" come.  No one know's exactly when they come, they don't have schedule for when they come. Why hasn't the government done anything about them yet? Doesn't he see the pain his own people are suffering through? 

As soon as I stepped out of the school, with my book bag slung over my shoulders, my ears were  filled with shouts of terror and of people being dragged out of their homes and off the streets. When some says the term "they", they are referring to Maritt's. Maritt's are terrible people.  They drag innocent people out of their homes and they torture them and take them to who know's where. They are a group of people who work  for, no one really know's who they work for. The government, maybe. They are ruthless. Be definition they are a large terrorist group who can destroy whole countries and they have enough leverage that they can turn once allied countries into enemies. They are also known to start nuclear wars. 

That is exactly what happened. A nuclear war. 

As I got out of school and continued down the street, I heard nuclear bombs being fired off. I ran and ran trying to find cover from this massacre.  All around me I saw people fallen on the ground, begging for mercy. Children covered in blood. Animals, children, parents, grandparents, wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, everyone. They were all dead. Then, I saw my older brother struggling to fight the Maritt. I screamed chasing after him and the Maritt. I saw him strike my brother down. I saw him fall down to the ground unconscious. I ran over to him but before I could get to him the Maritt struck me down and I fainted. 

(end of flashback) 

I woke up in this wretched place. In a cold cell. Somewhere I had never been before. I looked out the cell windows, bars covering the windows. What I saw was not What I expected but it wasn't surprising.  People were treated like animals, like slaves. They were attached to harsh machines carrying heavy loads and forced to do hard labor. The sky was an orange-ish red almost a blood color. It was like the sky reflected the mood of this strange place. 

After that, I have never seen my brother but I don't believe he's dead. He can't be. I can't do this anymore. I slide down on the floor and cry. I miss my old life. The things I see and hear, it's too much to bear. Everyday I can hear the cries of people outside of my cell. Why am I here? I am not benefiting anyone by being trapped inside this cell. 

A guard then comes into my cell and shout orders, "Get up, number 1262!! Let's go! You're not going to your studies today." "Then where are we going?" I ask him. He grunts as he looks back at me. "That's for me to know and you to find out." We then walk through the corridor into a large room in which a throne is seated in the middle of it. "The emperor  wants to have a word with you." 

???s POV (Person 2) 

The day everything changed is a day that I will never forget.  I vaguely remember what happened. 


I was on my way to the store to pick up some groceries for my brother's birthday party when there was a little girl being chased down by a Maritt.  Whatever the little girl did, it was not worth her to be killed by a Maritt because that's exactly what would've happened if I didn't try to save her. I tackled down the Maritt, who punched me in the face. Me and the Maritt fought for a while until he finally got me. He knocked me out with a swift punch and I ended up fainting. 

When I woke up, I was in some sort of cell room just like the one I'm in now. Except I had a cell mate. It was the little girl I had tried to save. She was here. In front of me. "Are you okay little one? " I asked her as she was on the floor crying. "What's wrong?" I reached out to touch her arm but she only continued to cry. "Th-they're going to kill me." With that she bursts into tears as she hugged me. I hugged her tightly close to my body. I didn't know her yet, I felt pity for her. It was like I had my little brother here with me again. 

A soldier soon forces me and the little girl up and out of the cell. We both scramble up and before I know it, they blind fold the little girl's eye's. They take us to a dimly lit chamber, uh oh. I know exactly what they're going to do to her. I struggle as I try to free my self from the Maritt's grip but it's no use. My wrist are held by shackles. So are hers. 

No, no, NO!! Tears start to form at the corner of my eye's. Before the the soldiers kill her she says, "I knew this was going to happen. Don't give up. Save yourself and your loved ones. Remember me. Don't forget me." She whispers this just loud enough so I can hear her. I then shout out "NO!" With a swift pull of the lever, the guard pulls the trigger and she dies. Her lifeless body lying on the floor. Her blonde hair now red. Her brown prison dress now covered in blood. She turns pale.  I try to run to her but the soldier holds me back so that I can't move. After that everything just fades into an ablivion. I pass out. 

When I wake up, I am back in my cell. 

(end of flashback) 

Once I was back in my cell, there were sprinkles of the girls blood all around me in the shape of a circle. I  haven't been the same since then.  

Just then a soldier walks in and forcefully lifts me up, "Come on. The emperor want's to see you." I try to resist the guards force, I do not want to see emperor. He or she is the one who caused the death of a little girl I cared about. I will not bow down to a murderer. 

A/N: Sorry for the wait. I have been on vacation and I have to finish my school work. I only have 4 more days until the end of the school year. I hope to update soon after break starts.

I know you guys probably want a chapter more about the BTS members but I felt like this is an important chapter that you guys need to know. 

Tomorrow's Reign(Suga X Reader)/SequelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora