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Your POV

Me, Jungkook and Yoongi had a really good time. I became really close to Yoongi, he might act and look all tough but he's really a sweet heart. He told me a story of how one time his mother told him that he looked like a dumpling. He also told me about how when he first became a rapper his parents didn't approve but eventually as BTS started to become more famous they eventually supported him. He really loves his family. He always talks about his parents. He doesn't like to talk about his brother a lot, probably because he was abducted. I don't blame him, I don't like talking about my family either mostly because half of family is dead and my parents are psycho's while my other brothers have disappeared. 

Right now me, Yoongi, Jungkook, Hoseok , we are all back at Namjoon's parents house. They made lunch for us. They are very kind, no wonder Namjoon is such a wonderful person. I wish could've met his little sister. 

As I sit down to eat my kimchi, I notice Namjoon staring at me intensely. Yoongi then speaks up," Dude, stop stairing at her. It's creepy." Namjoon shakes his head as if he was lost in space. His cheeks than turn a bright red. 

"Ah, My apologies (y/n)

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"Ah, My apologies (y/n)." I just laugh it off, "Don't sweat it." D.O. looks over at Namjoon, "Are you okay dude?" Namjoon's face saddens, "No. I'm not..... I did some research on Malnupe. Apparently it is a secret island located off the coast of Japan and it is ruled by this empress named Aeron. Not many people know about it because the government has tried to keep the island a secret." Baekhyun then speaks, "Why did they try to keep it a secret?" Kai then shares the same expression as Namjoon, "I  helped Namjoon with the research. Most people who are captured to that island have never even seen the empress, in fact, most people call her an emperor because she always covers up her face so you can never see it.  She is a cruel ruler. She forces people to work for her and if they don't do a good job then she....." Namjoon finishes for him, "She kills them." With that the mood drastically changed from light and playful to deadly serious. 

I try to hold back my tears, "T-That means if my brothers are there, and they decide to work for her, there is a high probability of them getting killed before I get a chance to save them. " Yoongi walks over to me and rubs my back and gives me a tight hug, "All we can hope is that they are hard workers or hope that they don't have a job."  Yoongi then does something that I wouldn't ever expect him to do in a million years. He leans over from behind me and kisses me lightly on my lips. His lips are so soft and warm, I don't even try to get away from him. Behind me I can hear gasp being let out but I don't care. At that point Yoongi has stopped kissing me and is just leaned over the back of my chair looking into my eyes. There is a light pink tint on his cheeks.  

Namjoon then just continues, "(y/n) I need you to go undercover as an empress

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Namjoon then just continues, "(y/n) I need you to go undercover as an empress. This will be a dangerous mission but you will have back up as you can choose some of us to be your servants. You don't have to decide now  if you want to do this or no-" I cut him off before he could finish, "I'll do it." Yoongi  looks at me with eyes of concern, "You know..." His voice starts to fade away. "You don't have to do this." "Yes I do. If there is even a little chance that my brothers are on that island, I will do it. For your brother. For everyone's lost siblings if there is even a slight chance that they are there. I will do it for them, for you." The truth is, I am not 100% sure if my brothers are even on Malnupe. I'm guessing that my parents work for or with the Empress Aeron. They probably kidnapped BTS's siblings and gave them to the empress who forced them to do hard labor. Guys, please hang in there. We are close to saving you. Just a little while longer. In the words of Yoongi, "All we can do is hope."

AN: I do not own any of these pictures. 

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