ice cream

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"Kookie, can you buy me some ice cream?" I laid underneath the tree that hid us from the blazing sun. The sound of cars and kids playing surrounded us. The warm weather was still here, but the cold weather was just right around the corner. I turn to look at Tae and noticed he was already staring at me with his pouty face. His long hair slightly covering his twinkling eyes. I chuckled and got up. I held out my hand for him to get up.

"I'm honestly going to go broke because of you," I teased him in a dramatic tone. Tae let out a deep chuckle and pushed me aside, "Hey! You know you will never find yourself another friend like me, so appreciate me." I smiled at him and ignored my thoughts on his comment. If I ignore it, I can't get hurt.

The sun was shining down on us, making us feel like we were about to melt any second. I turned to ask him something, but I couldn't say a word. I was mesmerized at how he was able to glow so brightly. His caramel skin was radiating as he was humming some random tune. I quickly looked away as I felt a small blush making its way to my face. We finally arrived at the ice cream place and were met with the cold air from inside. Tae went ahead and sat down and placed his head on the cold table. I rolled my eyes at how dramatic he was being and just went to go order our ice creams.

The guy behind the counter smiled brightly at me. "Hello, how may I help you?" His happy mood was a bit too much, yet refreshing. I smiled at him before ordering. "So is he your boyfriend?" My hands froze in the air, "N-no. Why do you say that?" The guy suddenly blushed and seemed to be flustered. "Oh! I'm sorry, I just thought that you were since you entered and were very close." I ignored his comment and with two cones in hand, I walked back to the table.

He quickly snatched his ice cream and ate it happily. I could feel the ice cream slowly dripping down my hand, but I just couldn't stop staring at how cute he looked. He finally looked up and noticed me staring at him. His eyebrows scrunched up together, "Why are you staring?" I didn't answer and just smiled at him, "Well, can I at least have your ice cream?" I didn't think twice about giving it to him. I just wanted him to be happy. He quickly took my ice cream and finished it.

Before we were about to leave, the boy behind the counter winked towards me and mouthed 'good luck'. I quickly looked away as I felt my cheeks going red once again, "Why are you blushing? Did you see something?" I pushed Taehyung away from me and quickly shook my head. "Nothing, I just remembered something." Thankfully Tae didn't ask for an explanation and just left it like that.

"Jungkook! Taehyung!" I looked across the street and noticed someone waving their hand in the air. I smiled when Jimin came rushing towards us. "What are you guys up to?" Jimin's eyes squinting, trying to block out some of the brightness of the sun. Taehyung suddenly latched onto my arm as he stared at Jimin. I wanted to push him away because I could feel myself starting to sweat but restrained myself since I loved how he made me feel.

"Nothing much, we were just chilling. What about you?" Jimin looked at his phone before answering, " I am supposed to meet Yoongi in a bit. Well, I'll see you later!" Before we could say anything, he waved and ran off. Taehyung continued to hold my arm as we walked over to his house. "Kookie, will you stay over tonight? I will be bored without you!"

I smiled at him and squished his cheeks, "How could I say no to your cute face." Tae just whines and smacked my arm. "I'm not cute! I'm manly." I didn't say anything else and let him be. I would do anything for him.

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