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The kiss went from soft to heated in a matter of seconds. Both of us battling for dominance, wanting to express how we felt. Our hands didn't keep still and were discovering new places to touch. I could feel Taehyung's hands on the bottom of my hair as he slightly pulled on it making me release a low groan. I pulled him closer until he was straddling me. The weight that had been added gave me a sense of pleasure. Like I had something that belonged to me. I place my hand on the back of his smooth neck while the other squeezed his hip.

We slowly pulled apart, both us panting for air. Tae closed his eyes as he placed his head on my shoulder. I licked my lips at the sight in front of me and didn't hold back. My lips met his clear skin and left wet kisses. I took his soft skin in my teeth and sucked on it until I was satisfied. He arched his back at the pleasure he was feeling and pushed my head further into his neck. "Please, don't stop." 

His voice was deeper with desire dripping with every word. Who was I to deny such a thing to the boy I liked. Without thinking twice, I flipped us over to where he was lying underneath me. The way he looked at the moment made me want to ravish him and adore his body. His eyes were droopy; yet, the lust in them was evident as he had his lip in between his teeth. His cheeks were dusted in a pink hue while his hair was all over the place. I placed my knee in between his leg and leaned in closer to him. I continued leaving marks all over his collarbone and neck as I pushed my leg higher. He let out a high pitch moan from the friction he was receiving. 

"Honey we are home!" We both snapped our eyes open and the pleasure that we felt was soon replaced with panic. We pulled apart from each other as we had been burned. Taehyung flew out of his bed and into the bathroom. I ran over to his mirror and tried my best to fix myself up. Apart from my bruising lips, I looked good.

However, when Tae entered the room again, he still looked panicked. "Kookie! What am I supposed to do about these?" He pointed at the hickies that decorated his neck. I took off my hoodie and put it on him. "There, that should cover it." I stepped back enjoying the fact that he was wearing my clothes. After we both agreed that we looked presentable enough, we went downstairs to greet his parents. 

"Oh, Jungkook! I'm happy you're here, I just wanted to say thank you once again for defending my little Tae." I smiled at Mrs.Kim in reassurance and told her that it was no problem. I would do defend Taehyung even if it meant giving up my life for him. "Well mom, if there isn't anything that I can help you with, then Kookie and I will be in my room." Tae got ahold of my hand and pulled me back to his room.

However, this time he sat as far away from me. The silence in the room soon turned into one of awkwardness. "So?" I started off saying but stopped myself when I wasn't sure what I wanted to say. Then idea popped up and stood up. "Tomorrow evening, I will be taking you on a date. Dress comfortably and I will come to pick you up." Without waiting for a reply I ran out of his room. I didn't want to hear him in case if he would reject me.

I was about to step out of the house when I made myself back into the kitchen. I saw Mrs.Kim near the stove cooking dinner. "Mrs.Kim, may I ask you something?" She turned the stove to low heat and turned to focus on me. "What is it, hun? Is everything alright?" "Yes, everything is good. I just wanted to ask if I could ask Tae to be my boyfriend. I understand if you don't think it's a good idea and I can respect your decision and-"

I couldn't continue to say anything else since I was pulled in a hug. Mrs.Kim held me tight as I felt her tears falling onto my back. "Oh, Jungkook I'm so happy, you are the best person for Tae. You have my permission and don't worry, you also have my husband's." We finally parted and said a small goodbye before heading back home with a smile. 

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