on my own

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I was walking to my school, excited to see Tae again. I just wanted to be with him just for a little while. Once I got to school, I quickly walked to our lockers to wait for Tae to walk to class together. Minutes passed and I continued to wait, yet no Tae appeared. The warning bell rang and I quickly made my way to my class. I was the last one to enter and quickly stood still when I saw Tae giggling with his boyfriend in our seats. 

He left me on my own. I quickly dismissed my thoughts and reassured myself that he may have just forgotten. It's all okay, I would be able to see him again for our traditional together time at our favorite cafe. I decided to sit in the front next to some other girls. During the whole class period, they would not let me concentrate on the topic. 

Once the bell rang, I ran out of the class not wanting to stay any longer near them. I continued on with the rest of the classes while hanging out with my other friends. When lunchtime came around, I was eager to get to our table to have some time to chat with Tae. I had my tray of food and walked over to my usual seat, but soon stopped walking. 

The table that just consisted of Tae and I was now being occupied by Tae and his boyfriend along with his friends. Taehyung laughed out loud and looked up and caught me staring. He looked around and quickly realized what had occurred. He got up and walked over to me. "I'm sorry Kook, I forgot to save you a seat. Why don't you go sit with one of your other friends?" Before I could say anything he walked away.

I slowly turned around not sure about what had just happened. 'He just called me Kook.' I ignored the pain I felt in my chest and walked over to Lisa's table and her friends. They all welcomed me with smiles and continued talking. I looked over Tae one last time and could feel me becoming jealous of his boyfriend. Oh, how I wished I was the one to make him that happy. 

Finally, the day was through and I was excited to enter the cafe. Tae usually arrives before me, so when I entered I was pretty surprised to see him nowhere in sight. I ignore the feeling of dread building up and just sat in our regular spot. The waiter comes over and asks if he should get the usual for us. I just nod my head as a reply while I looked outside to see if I could catch a glips of Tae. 

Minutes passed and soon hours passed. It was already 8 at night and I was still sitting there like an idiot. Our hot chocolates were no longer hot and instead, they were cold. I waited for him, yet he left me on my own.

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