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It has been almost three days and Taehyung hasn't talked to me. I mean, it's not like I had tried to talk to him either. But I was starting to miss him. I missed talking to him, walking beside him, and listening to him ramble. I closed my eyes and cleared my thoughts from everything. Today was my last day of suspension and I was needing some advice. 

I got up from my bed and grabbed a hoodie before making my way out of the house. I walked down the streets until I reached a familiar house. I knocked on their door and was greeted by Yoongi who ushered me inside their warm home. "Jimin! Kook is here!" Not even a second later, I heard footsteps rushing down the stairs and a Jimin appeared with a bright smile. He sure doesn't act older than me. 

"Kookie! Why have you decided to grace us with your lovely presence today?" Yoongi chuckled at his wording and put on a coat. "I need advice on something," I whispered out not sure how to tell them. Yoongi stood in front of us looking ready to go, "Well Kook, hope I could help, but I gotta go to work. The bills aren't going to pay themselves." He ruffled my hair before bending down to give Jimin a goodbye kiss. 

Finally, the smaller boy turned to face me and gave me his attention. "What advice are you looking for?" I instantly felt a sense of anxiety fall over me. What if what he says isn't what I want to hear? "It's about Tae. We argued over how he felt. He says that he may have feelings for me, but I got upset. All I could think of was when he rejected me and I felt like I was drowning in pain. Then he wants me to end my friendship with Lisa! Like how can I end something with someone who I am truly grateful for having in my life? I'm getting worked up just thinking about it."  

Instead of receiving a reply, I was greeted by Jimin's loud laughter. I raised my eyebrow not understanding why he was enjoying this. He finally settled down and looked at me again. "Sorry, you just reminded me of when Yoongi and I were in high school." I rolled my eyes in annoyance, "Jimin, you act like you guys are way older than us. You graduated two years ago." Jimin smiled at me and agreed. "Okay, now on the serious note, I would suggest for you to talk to him. You both need to communicate with one another to understand what the both of you are feeling. Try to explain why Lisa is someone who you value and try to listen to Tae on the way he feels." 

I went over what Jimin had mentioned before and went on to play with my fingers. I knew he was right, but I wasn't sure how I felt about talking to Tae. All these negative outcomes kept coming to my mind. "I'm scared though. What if Taehyung is doing this out of pity. What if he is just saying he likes me because I saved him and now he wants to pay me back?" Jimin took my hands in his and held them in place. 

"Jungkook, I doubt Taehyung would ever do something like that to you. I understand you may be afraid of what is to come, but if you don't talk to him, then you could lose him as a friend. I know how much you love your friendship with him, so please don't let it go down the drain." Jimin was right, he always is. I wrapped my arms around him and whispered out a small thank you before dashing out the house. I needed to see him. 

Friends? // TaekookOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant