everything's okay

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"Jungkook! Please help me!" 

I sat there frozen at the panicked voice that greeted me. I was about to respond when I heard the line go dead. Fear filled me up, he was in danger and I don't know what to do. I quickly got up from my bed, ignoring my pain. I slammed my door open and went downstairs. I went into the living room to see my parents in each other embrace. "Taehyung is in danger!" 

Both of my parents looked at me confused, "Please, let me borrow your car." My mom quickly stood up when she realized I wasn't joking. "No, we will go with you. Let's go to the police station." We all rushed out of the house and piled into the car. My dad took over driving and went over the speed limit to try and get there as fast as possible. My mom on the other had called Tae's mom to try and see if he wasn't there. 

He wasn't there, and I had a feeling where he might be. We soon arrived and I fled out of the car and into the building. The lady at the front desk looked surprised at my sudden burst. "Hi, someone is in danger and I think I know where they are." My voice came out shakey from how scared I was. 

"Sir, I'm going to need you to calm down and answer some questions." I wanted to scream at her for telling me to calm down. I pulled at my hair out frustration not knowing how to handle all these emotions coming at me all at once. I soon felt my mother's hand rubbing my back to calm down and I never felt as happy to have her as I did now. 

"His name is Kim Taehyung, he is 18 years old and called me to help him. Before I could ask him what happened or where he is, the line went dead. His parents said he isn't home, but the last person he was seen with was his boyfriend. I don't know where his boyfriend lives." The lady remained calm as I rambled on with everything that came to my head. 

"Thank you for remaining calm, throughout this process. I will just need the boyfriend's name to track his address and there should be some units on their way." I quickly gave them his name and was soon tracked down. "Okay, they are on their way. Please stay here and wait until further information is given." I nodded and went to sit next to my dad who was waiting along with Tae's parents.

I looked up at Mrs.Kim who was crying into Mr.Kim's shoulder. I felt guilty as if I had been the reason that Tae might be suffering right now. I stood up and walked closer to them. "Mr. and Mrs. Kim, I'm sorry for everything. If I had known something would've happened, I would've stayed by his side." Mrs.Kim wiped away her tears before pulling me into a hug. "Don't you ever say you're sorry. You wouldn't have known that Jihan would be dangerous. It's going to be okay, it has to be okay." 

Everything's okay, it has to be or else I would never forgive myself.

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