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I pulled my dad closer as more tears came down, but these tears were of relief. I kept repeating 'thank you's and 'I love you's to my dad as he rubbed my back to calm me down. Once I had stopped crying, I could feel my eyes being puffy and wouldn't doubt that they were red as well. "Ready to go?" I gave my dad a firm 'yes' and we both walked inside. 

The bright lights from the hospital caused me to squint my eyes. My mom was waiting near the reception desk with her nails in between her teeth. We walked up to her and she quickly grabbed our wrist and pulled us to what I think was Tae's room. We turned the corner and I saw Tae's parents sitting in down. When they heard us walking near them, they both turned to us. 

Mrs.Kim stood up and walked up to me. "We already went to check upon him. You can go in and see him. Just be careful, he isn't in the best condition." I nodded at her words and walked up to the door that she had pointed out. I knocked on the door before slowly opening it. The lights were dimmed and the room felt so cold. 

I quietly closed the door behind me and mentally prepared myself before turning to look at Tae. But nothing could've prepared me from what I saw. My breath got caught in my throat as I felt my legs become weak. I took slow steps to where he was laying on the bed. Bruises were littered all over his face, while red marks decorated his neck. His lip was cut open with dry blood on them. His head was bandaged up while his arms also had dark purple bruises. 

I reached out to touch him but instantly stopped. I didn't want to hurt him and cause him more pain than he already was. I took a chair from the corner of the room and brought it closer to his bed. I sat down and laid on the side of the face to where I could still see him. I promise that from now on, I will never leave his side. I will protect him from anything. 

I didn't feel myself fall asleep and it wasn't until I heard Taehyung mumbling something in his sleep. I shot up from my seat, sleep long gone as I stood closer to him. "Jungkook, please help! No! P-please, leave me alone!" I instantly understood that he was having a nightmare from what he had gone through. 

"Tae, Tae please wake up. It's just a dream, I am right here." I placed my hands on his cheeks to stop him from moving too much. "Tae, please open your eyes." Slowly, Tae's eyes fluttered open as he stared at me. He sat still as if processing that I was there with him. Soon tears started to well up in his eyes and pulled me closer. "Please Kookie, don't leave me. I was so scared." I hugged him as tight as I could without hurting him. "I will always be with you, I promise."

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