I'm not sure

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"You know, I thought Haley was supposed to rub off on you, not the other way around," I said while walking into the tutoring center

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"You know, I thought Haley was supposed to rub off on you, not the other way around," I said while walking into the tutoring center.

"Funny," she rolled her eyes, " did you come over here just to make fun of us?"

"Actually, no," I took a seat. " I have something to tell you."

"Is everything okay, Jules?" Nathan asked with a worried look on his face.

" you can't tell anyone." They both nodded. " I have taken ten different pregnancy tests, and they all came back positive."

"Dude, what?!" Nathan yelled while I shushed him.

"How are you so calm?" My sister asks.

"Because my life is falling apart," I laugh. " I'm a pregnant teenager. My baby's father, who I still love, is dating one of my best friends. I don't understand how it could get worse."

" do you need anything?"

"Yes. Please come with me to the doctor's appointment in an hour?"

"I can't. I have to take this make-up test, or I'm toast."

"I'll do it."

" what?" We both ask Nathan.

" hey, it used to be us two against the world. It's only right I go with you," he squeezed my hand, making me smile.

"Thanks, Nate"


" I'm sorry" I apologize for what feels like the millionth time. I'm just crying while looking at the sonogram.

" don't be, J" he pulled me into his chest and kissed the top of my head. " I can't believe I'm going to be an uncle."

"I can't believe I'm 12 weeks pregnant" we both laugh.

"Haley and I will be here every step of the way."


" I'm assuming Luke's not home?" I asked Brooke, who was sitting by his door.

"Not yet," she smiled while pointing to the step next to her. "Do you want me to tell him something for you?"

" no," I took the seat next to her. " please tell him it's important, though"

" Juliet, do you think we can fix whatever is going on between us" she smiled. " I miss you."

" I'm not sure."

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