Everything's going to be okay

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" Juliet," Lucas's voice called out for me

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" Juliet," Lucas's voice called out for me.

"Hey, I'm so sorry about Brooke; that's not how I wanted you guys to find out," I apologized while taking a seat.

" Okay," he nodded. " you have a second, though?"

" yeah," he sat down next to me. " I can't forget about us."

"Lucas Brooke is my friend, and even though I hate it, she is also your girlfriend."

" I know, but-"

" but nothing okay?" I sighed. " that's where we are right now. It's not fair to her to make a big deal out of it."

" you're pregnant, Juliet. That's a big deal."

" and it's so complicated. I'm sorry, Lucas" I began to leave, but he stopped me.

" Juliet," he grabs me and kisses me.

" that shouldn't have happened" I pulled away, feeling guilty that I even kissed him back.


" hey, beautiful" Lucas pulls me into a section at the library.

" what are you doing?"

" thinking about kissing you," he leans in slowly, but I shake my head, " tell me you don't want this."

" I do, but we can't. Not until you talk to Brooke" I started to walk away.

" I'm telling my mom tonight," he exclaimed.

" what?"

" about the baby," my heart stopped. The thought of him telling her makes me feel sick. " everything is going to be okay."


" Hello, sista," I guided her into my house. " what's up?"

" I love you" I gave her a strange look. She came all the way here to tell me that? "but what I saw. Juliet, I know you are better than that. "

" what did you see?"

" you and Luke being very cozy when he has a girlfriend who's supposed to be your best friend."

" stop," I sighed. " you saw wrong. I love him, hales, but I stopped him because I would never do anything to hurt her."

" so he's tried."

" yes, and it's so hard not to give in. I just want to be with him"

" I'm so sorry, Jules," she pulled me into a hug. " I'm still going to give him an ear full."


I was watching a movie with Liam when my phone kept going off. " Will you just answer it."

" that's weird" I looked at who's calling. " it's Dan."

" Okay, maybe don't answer," he joked.

" Hello?"

" Juliet? This is Dan Scott" I rolled my eyes. " there's been an accident and-"

" oh my god. Nathan"

" no." He cuts me off. " it's Lucas." I quickly hung up, not wanting to hear anything more from him.

" oh my god," I started to freak out.

" Jules? What the hell is going on?"

" Lucas got into an accident" my hand went to my stomach. " I can't lose him, Liam."

" and you won't."

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