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Okay, this should be the last chapter! Yay, we made it through the whole story!!!

I hope you all didn't have to blind yourselves, and drink bleach too much from this cringe.


Lumine woke in a cold sweat, sitting up so fast his back cracked. Glancing to his side, he quickly looked to see if his husband was there. Luckily, he found a quietly sleeping  brunette softly snoring. He let out a sigh, he hadn't had that nightmare in years, heck since they had gotten married he hadn't had that nightmare, and that was ten years ago!

Laying back down, he pulled Kody into his strong arms, squeezing him gently as if to make sure this was still reality. Kissing the top of his head, Lumine soon fell back into a deep sleep, his lover cuddled in his arms.


The next morning, Lumine awoke to a delicious smell, and loud giggling. Peaking one eye open, he found himself face to face with a little brunette girl with glowing green and blue eyes, and chocolate colored wolf ears.

He shut his eye quickly, and began to take snore really loud. More giggling sounded, before a sweet voice spoke.

"Papa! Wake up! Dad's making breakfast! Come on!" The little girl shook her papa's shoulder, trying to use all her strength. Which wasn't much considering she was only four years old. Oh, wait, I'm sorry, four and a half years old.

Smiling, Lumine say up, making sure to capture his daughter in his arms, and swing her around in the air.

"Well, good morning my sweet little princess!"

She only giggled and laughed at her father's antics.

"Gemini! Hurry or your pancakes will get cold!" A loud voice sounded from the kitchen. It was Kody's, Lumine's beautiful husband.

Getting off the bed, he once again picked his daughter up, and put her on his shoulders carrying her all the way to breakfast.

When finally arriving down stairs, and in the kitchen, Lumine walked over and kissed Kody on the lips lovingly.

"Ewwww!!! Don't do that!!" Gemini covered her eyes with her small hands, sticking out her tongue as well. The two adults only chuckled before continuing with breakfast.

The rest of the day went wonderfully as always. Grandpa Aiden came over around noon to play with his granddaughter, while the two lovers went on a date as like every Saturday.

All was wonderful, and everything ended happily.

The end.

Btw - Gemini was made by 'magic'. Since Lumine and Kody had both wanted to have a child with their blood in it, Aiden did a bit of magic causing his son to get pregnant and have Gemini. Just wanted y'alls to know.

So! Was that a better ending?! I know, my story didn't make sense and so many plot holes. Well, I think. I'm not actually sure.

Again this is the last chapter, I really hope you all enjoyed my story with sincerity. And I hope you all will with my future ones as well.

Well, this is good bye. I hope we will meet again soon, weather it be you pulling me along on some magical journey, or me guiding you through the adventures of my own stories once again.

Once more, farewell, and may all your adventures never end, with just the ending of a book.

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