11. Too Different 🔕

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11: too different

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11: too different




A few days had gone by, leaving me to the weekend, where I cuddle up on the couch and listen to music while reading a web comic.

I'd ignored the issues and energy roaming around me, ignoring the negativity. My mother was angry with my Pa, and he was irritated with her.

I take a sip of the tea my Grams had made for me. Everyday I've been drinking it; this dark brown tea. It was soothing, helped me relax.

Especially now, while I read to keep my mind off of the situation with that panther.

The front door unlocks, swinging open abruptly. "I quit!" Terrence says angrily as he stomps inside. "I quit I quit I quit!"

He knocks his shoes off and tosses his backpack to the side, walking angrily into the living room. I take out my headphones and peer over at my younger brother, "What's wrong Trey?"

My mom follows in behind him, "He's upset because he was in timeout when I got there."

He ignores me and attempts to walk past me, towards the stairs.

I slide off couch and make my way to him, "Hey.. Hey. What's wrong?"

"I have to get ready for work, I'll be right back to talk to you guys," Mom apologizes before leaving the room, heading to the kitchen where Grams was.

"I hate that stupid class I hate it!" Trey wraps his arms around my hips once his realizes I won't let him leave too, "I wanna go to bed."

I hug him back, rubbing his head and looking down at him, "What happened?"

Trey pulls away after a moment, wiping teary eyes, "Sensei put me in time out because I hit Jake."

"Why did you hit him?" I asked.

Terrence makes a sad face, refusing to fully explain it. I raise an eyebrow, "Trey.."

"He called me dumb."

"Did you tell Mr. Yen that?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Okay.. See? It's not Mr. Yen's fault," I assured him, "You didn't tell him what the boy did."

Terrence got teary again, "B-But I don't wanna go back! Everybody is so mean!"

I looked down at Terrence; His face puffy from crying, he was always going to be that kid that got upset with words. But he was learning to control his anger. Slowly but surely he was. He'd managed to calm down quicker this time.

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