Chapter 28: Drunk Texts

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Troye's POV

It had been a month now since the breakup and I still refused to leave the house. I hadn't stopped crying and eating ice cream, just trying to get over him. I had to face it; I'll never be over him. Tyler was the only person I had ever really loved, and now he was gone.

My phone buzzed indicating I had a text. Groaning, I move from my comfortable position to glance at my phone. I planned on just ignoring it, but then I saw Tyler's name on the screen and my heart skipped a beat. Is it possible he misses me as well?

Tyler: I haven't talked to you in awhile. I was wondering how you're doing.

Tyler's POV

I was drunk, as usual. Ever since the breakup I don't think I've been sober once. Well, I take that back. I'm sober in the mornings, usually in someone else's bed and always with a pounding headache.

I went home in a taxi that night, alone for the first time in a month. I was just so lonely, which was confusing to me. Usually after a breakup I have a couple hookups and I'm over it, but not this time. I just can't get over the gorgeous human that is Troye.

The only way if be over this one is if Troye was here, kissing me sweetly like he used to. Or just cuddling with him as we fell asleep like we used to. Or waking up to his light snores and having to jump on him to wake him up like we used to.

I missed that. More importantly I missed Troye. Speaking of Troye, I wonder how he's doing? Does he miss me too? Only one way to find out.

If I wasn't in such a drunken state I probably would've thought twice before sending him a text, but I was drunk so I quickly pressed send before paying my driver and climbing out of the cab. I hiked the stairs up to my apartment, clumsily put the key in, and fell directly onto my couch. When my body hit the couch, I was already asleep.



Who's shit at uploading? This girl right here *points to self*. I'm really sorry this took a little longer than normal I wasn't very happy with this chapter at first so I've been tweaking it and it's much more to my liking now. It took a little while but I'd rather put out late content than bad content.

Anyway, favorite comment goes to SatanicYoutubers. Your comment absolutely warmed my heart and made me smile so thank you :)

Also, I've found a few more fan fictions that I have absolutely fallen in love with. First is 'Ruin Us' by comeshareyourlie. Her writing is absolutely beautiful and do descriptive. Plus the whole idea is extremely unique and I love it. I have also fallen in love with 'It Was An Accident' by -TylerOakley-. Again, the idea us so unique and her writing is beautiful. I highly recommend reading both of those.

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