Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The work week has come to an end, much to Alec's delight. It's Thursday night, and Alec only has about an hour left in his shift, then it's four days of relaxation. There's also the date with Magnus tomorrow night. Alec and Magnus have been texting or talking on the phone nonstop since Monday. Alec refuses to believe that he's already smitten with the man. He keeps telling himself that he needs to be careful, and not let his emotions cloud his rational thought, he knows that no one sticks around forever so he needs to keep Magnus at arm's length. At least tonight, Alec has Jon and Clary to keep his mind off of things. Tonight the trio are going to the gym for a much needed training session. About four years ago, Clary started going to the gym to spar with Alec and Jon. Before that, Alec and Jon would go once a week to let go of some stress from their lives - or whenever Jon was home from school - but due to certain events, Clary started to join in their weekly sparring matches.

"So, Alec, what are your plans for the break?" Aline asks, as she does every week.

"Tonight is sparring with Jon and Clary, tomorrow I have a date, Saturday will probably consist of laundry and house cleaning, then of course, our normal Sunday dinners at the Morgensterns' house," Alec explains.

"Wait a minute! Don't tell me that the forever bachelor, Alec Lightwood, is going on a date! Does Clary know? What was her reaction? When did this happen?" Aline exclaims, spouting off questions at rapid fire.

Alec notices out of the corner of his eye, that Magnus, who is having a conversation with Jordan, visibly tenses.

"Slow down Aline, and yes, I'm going on a date with an amazing guy that I met last weekend when Clary and I were out celebrating her graduation. We hit it off at the bar, and have been texting and calling every day since. The only thing I know so far is that he's picking me up tomorrow evening, and taking me to dinner. He refuses to tell me where he's taking me, but knowing him, it's probably going to be the best date of my life!" Alec exclaims. He can see a broad smile forming on Magnus' face over Alec's reaction and enthusiasm, as well as probably keeping his secret. "As far as telling Clary, I haven't seen her all week because our schedules are off for the next three months. I was going to tell her and Jon about it tonight, though," Alec finishes and Aline squeals so loud, the entire firehouse stops to stare.

"Oh, my god! Alec this is amazing! What's his name? What does he look like? Tell me! Tell me!" Alec laughs at her childish antics. Aline has always reminded him of his sister Isabelle.

"Okay first, I'm not telling you his name. I really like this guy, and I don't want to jinx anything," Alec remarks, knowing that Magnus is adamant about keeping his sexuality away from his coworkers for the time being, "and as far as description, he's taller than myself - which is saying something - he has the most beautiful skin tone I've ever seen, a rich caramel color, amazing eyes, and he just looks like a real life Adonis." Alec blushes, slightly embarrassed that he's literally describing the man sitting on the other side of the room. Aline is sitting next to him, sporting the biggest smile that he's ever seen on her.

"Wow, he sounds too good to be true! If I were into men, I'd totally fight you for him," she says while she continues to gush about Alec's date. Alec also notices that Magnus is trying not to laugh. Alec catches Magnus' eye at that moment, and he gives a shy smile.

"Do you and Helen have any plans on your break?" Alec enquires, feeling a little rude by monopolizing the conversation.

"No, she's working the same schedule as Clary, right now, so we have been seeing each other in passing. We might go out to dinner at some point over the weekend though. I know she's off on Sunday, I'll try to plan something then, as long as she isn't too tired. She did tell me that she wanted to discuss something with me, though." Aline pauses to look around for a moment. She catches Magnus looking in their direction and nods to him. She turns to face Alec again and lowers her voice, "I'm hoping we can discuss the whole having kids thing again. We both agreed that we wanted to wait a few years, but it's been a year and a half since we married, I'm wondering if she's ready now. We both have stable jobs, we just bought a house, and we're in a really good place in our lives," Aline says, with a hopeful glint in her eye.

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