Chapter 9

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It's Thursday and Alec couldn't be more thrilled. This is the last day for a long while that he needs to get up at five o'clock in the morning for work. He's also looking forward to going out with all of his coworkers and having a good time.

Alec pulls into his parking space at the station, gets out, grabs his bag with a change of clothes in it, and heads inside. He has a feeling that today is going to be a great day.

Alec sees Magnus as soon as he steps into the locker room and gives him a wide smile. Magnus returns his smile accompanied by a chuckle.

"Someone's in a good mood this morning," Magnus bends down to reach for his own bag and places it in his locker. "Is there a specific reason for your good mood?"

"I woke up without wanting to destroy my alarm clock, traffic was smooth enough that I had time to stop by JJ's on my way in," Alec shows Magnus his to-go cup of coffee, "and, I get to hang out with you tonight." Alec looks around the locker room just to make sure the two are still alone, then bends down and kisses his boyfriend.

"So tonight, did you want to ride over to the bar with me?" Alec asks.

"Of course, I was also going to ask if you would maybe want to spend the night tonight?" Alec's eyes widen the size of saucers. This is the first time Magnus has ever asked him to stay the night.

"Y-yeah...absolutely. A-are you sure?" Alec can't help but to ask, mostly due to the fact that he's been waiting for this moment for a while now.

"I'm positive, Alexander. I'm ready now." Magnus then lowers his voice, "I think I've been ready for a while, but for the last two weeks, you've stopped any activities before they could get started."

"I just didn't want to do something you weren't ready for," Alec replies with a shrug. Yep, today is going to be a great day. And tonight, tonight I'm finally going to make love to the man that I'm hopelessly falling in love with. Alec thinks to himself as he puts his bag in his locker.

They walk out of the locker room, finding Aline in the common room talking to Jordan. Alec motions towards the doorway, and she quickly follows them out to the garage. Alec completes his inspection, and while he's on the radio to dispatch, Aline and Magnus finish up their beginning of the shift routine. With it being the end of their work week, today is also the day that they have to wash the exterior of the ambulance. Just as they finish rinsing off the ambulance, they get a message from dispatch that there was a call from a babysitter stating that an eight year old boy fell out of a tree house with a possible break in his left arm. They immediately climb in and head out to the incident.

Upon arrival, there is a young woman holding a crying boy sitting on their front porch. Alec immediately gets the splinting kit out of the ambulance and walks over to the boy.

"Hey buddy, my name's Alec. I'm going to be taking care of you and get you to the doctor okay?" He holds out the kit. "Do you mind if I take a look?" The little boy shakes his head but whimpers at the same time.

"What's your name?" Alec asks while he's palpitating the arm. He wants to keep the boy preoccupied while he does his assessment and splint the arm.

"My name's Tyler. Are you a doctor?"

Alec chuckles, but shakes his head no.

"I am a paramedic, it's my job to keep your arm from moving around too much before we can get you to see a doctor. Do you know what the doctor is going to do when you arrive at the hospital?" Tyler shakes his head no."He's going to take you to this really cool room, then put this awesome lead vest over your chest and stomach, kind of like a plate of armor. Then they are going to take pictures of your arm. Do you know what the pictures will show?"

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