Chapter 7

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Alec spends the rest of his Saturday cleaning, doing laundry, and cooking dinner for himself and Clary. With Clary working overnight shifts for the next ninety days, it's hard for her to keep a routine, therefore Alec has been trying to pick up more of the household responsibilities. He feels like it's the least he can do, considering everything that Clary has done for him over the years.

"What did you make tonight?" Clary asks as she sits down. Alec hands her a bowl of his homemade chili, along with sides of shredded cheese and sour cream. Clary, not having the forethought to wait for Alec, digs in. They sit in companionable silence for most of the meal.

"So, do you want to watch movies tonight, or are you going to abandon me in order to maintain some semblance of a sleep schedule?" Clary asks with a knowing smirk.

"Yeah I'm gonna go with the option of sleep. You're not the only one getting used to a new schedule. I can't stand having to get up at the ass crack of dawn. I much prefer the evening shifts." Alec replies as he's finishing up his first bowl of chili. The morning shift has always been hard on Alec. Not only is it the most boring shift, and it always seems like his days just drag on forever, but he's never been a morning person.

Once he scoops up his second bowl of chili, Clary finally speaks.

"Oh my god! Are you ever going to tell me how your date went?" Clary yells as she slams her fist on the counter, causing Alec to laugh.

"It went perfect," Alec responds vaguely.

"Care to share with the class, Mr. Lightworm?" Clary continues to glare, while Alec feigns contemplation.

"Nope," Alec gets up, puts his bowl in the sink, goes to the pot of chili and gestures to Clary to see if she wants more, then proceeds in pouring the leftovers in a container and puts it away. The bowls are rinsed and put into the dishwasher.

"Well, I'm going to bed." Alec glances towards Clary - who is still glaring daggers at him - and walks to his room.

"I hate you!" Clary yells at his retreating form.

"I love you too!" Alec yells back. "Goodnight!" he says in a sing-song voice. He chuckles as he hears her frustrated stomps towards their living room, then shuts his door.

Lying down on his bed, he's not exactly tired enough to go to sleep. After a few minutes, he turns around and grabs his phone, chewing on his lip as the dial tone sounds. The phone call is answered after the third ring.

"My, my, Alexander. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Magnus' rich, smooth voice comes through the phone. Alec laughs nervously. He's definitely starting to second guess making the phone call, worried that he may seem clingy.

"I was just calling to say hi and ask how your day went. I remember you telling me that you were going to have dinner with your parents tonight. Did you thank your dad for me?" Alec starts, silently cursing himself out for sounding too creepy, but it appears that Magnus doesn't mind.

"Oh yes I did! My dad was elated by the compliment, and my mother is ready to... meet you..." Magnus' voice trails off with a sound of uncertainty. This causes Alec to relax a bit. Magnus seems to be nervous as well.

"Well, maybe after a few more dates. Tell her that I'm looking forward to meeting them." Alec mentally punches himself in the balls for that comment. It is way too early to meet the parents! Thinking of a way to change the subject, Alec continues, "Speaking of dates, what are your plans for Monday? I'd love to cook dinner for you. I know you said that you want to take this slow - and I'm completely on board with that - but I was thinking maybe I can cook dinner for you, and we could have a picnic at the park near my house?"

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