Chapter 17

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Alec wakes up the next morning to someone pounding on his door. Trying to reach the door quickly, so Clary and Jace don't wake up, Alec trips over the blankets from his makeshift bed on the couch and whips the door open with an irritable 'what'. Seeing his sister on the other side of the door, a sheepish smile on her face and a suitcase in her hand, Alec continues to stare at her confused.

"Sorry, I got a little ahead of myself," Izzy explains.

"Uh Iz, I thought Jace and I were going to meet you at the restaurant?"

"I know, and I'm sorry. I just wanted to bring some clothes over for Jace. I went to mom and dad's place and packed a suitcase for him. I figured he'd want his own clothes... no offense big brother." Again, with the sheepish look. It now occurs to Alec that Izzy realizes that she woke him up.

"So I take it that you haven't seen my text messages and missed calls?" she asks.

"No, you literally just woke me up. I rushed to open the door before you woke anyone else up. Clary gets pretty mean when she can't sleep in on her days off. Just remember, everyone in this house works shift work. Ours schedules are always screwed up." Izzy nods in understanding. "What time is it anyway?"

Looking at her watch, Izzy says, "It's a quarter to eight."

Groaning, Alec walks into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. "And here I was thinking that I would be able to sleep till ten." Alec grumbles under his breath while he makes his coffee.

"It seems that someone is grumpy in the mornings. What happened to you, you used to be an early riser?" Izzy asks.

Looking thoroughly annoyed, "Again, I work shift work. My schedule changes every ninety days. I didn't go to bed till about three this morning because I'm trying to keep my schedule consistent. I usually wake up between ten and eleven, and I'm at work by four, then work a ten hour shift." Izzy winces slightly at Alec's annoyance, causing Alec to feel bad for snapping at his sister.

"Sorry Alec. I didn't realize."

At that moment, Clary walks in the kitchen muttering under her breath, but Alec could still make out what she's saying. "Stupid people and their stupidly annoying normal work hours, and lack of consideration about the vampires of the world who are forced to work nights." Clary pours herself a mug of coffee, then walks back to her bedroom.

"See, told ya. None of us like getting up early anymore. We sleep whenever we can." Alec motions towards Clary's retreating form. "And that's her being civilized. Usually she would have bitten your head off for waking her up."

"Gotcha. No coming over before ten from now on," Izzy says with a bewildered look.

"That's all we ask little sister." Alec kisses her cheek as he maneuvers to the coffee maker.

"Why in the hell are you here so early?" Jace exclaims, walking into the kitchen with his one crutch, looking just as annoyed as Alec and Clary.

"Oh my god! Does anyone wake up at a reasonable time anymore?" Izzy exclaims, just as they all hear a very annoyed 'shut up' coming from Clary's closed door, causing Alec and Jace to snicker. "Ugh, I'm just going to put these clothes in your closet Alec." Izzy calls as she walks away.

"Isabelle!" Clary exclaims, "Look, I'm so happy to have met you, but would you please be quiet enough for me to go back to sleep?"

Izzy mutters, "Sorryyyyy..." under her breath while Alec and Jace try, and fail to stifle their laughter.

Alec turns back to the coffee maker, pours another cup, and hands it to Jace who's moved to the kitchen table.

"Why is she here?" Jace asks.

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