Chapter 26

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Alec slowly reaches into the bedside drawer and pulls out the necessary items, trying desperately not to wake up Magnus before he's ready to. Silently cheering in victory, he sets the condom and lube on his pillow for easy access, then Alec rolls over towards his sleeping boyfriend. Alec starts placing opened mouthed kisses along Magnus' jawline. Still sleeping, Magnus tilts his head to the side, giving Alec more access to his delectable skin even in his sleep. Magnus moans as Alec's lips trail hot kisses down his throat. Alec looks up, but sure enough, Magnus' eyes are still closed. Alec gently moves to where he's hovering over Magnus' body.

Carefully, Alec makes his way down to Magnus' chest, kissing and nipping at Magnus' pert nipples before moving further down. Alec pays extra attention to Magnus' abdomen, pulling the flesh just underneath his right bottom rib, sucking the skin raw. For whatever reason, Magnus has a sensitive spot right there, and Alec makes sure he gets that particular spot every time. Alec glances back up to see his boyfriend looking down at him with hooded eyes. Smirking, Alec continues his decent.

Magnus is already rock hard with precum leaking out. Alec grabs his member and laps up the precum, then tenderly took him into his mouth. Magnus' hand immediately grabs ahold of Alec's hair, and lewdly moans out his name. Relaxing his throat, Alec starts bobbing, working Magnus over with his mouth and tongue. Popping the top of the bottle, Alec thoroughly coats his fingers with the lube, and works himself open. Once Alec's fully prepared, he releases Magnus and grabs the condom. Using his teeth, Alec rips the wrapper open, and rolls the condom onto Magnus, then coats him with the lube. Magnus pulls Alec up and crashes their lips together in a searing kiss before Alec slowly eases down on Magnus, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he makes the descension. As many times as Magnus has been in him, it still takes a few minutes for Alec to fully adjust to Magnus' size, but Alec loves the way Magnus feels inside him.

Finally adjusted, Alec slowly starts moving. There's a slight pulling sensation in Alec's gut, which causes a slight hiss to escape his lips, but with a slight adjustment in his position, the pulling stops and he can fully enjoy making love to his boyfriend. Magnus noticed him wince, and automatically asks Alec if he's okay. Alec nods and bends down to kiss Magnus, but Magnus has other ideas. Magnus grabs Alec by the hips and flips them over, not once pulling out of him. Alec looks up at Magnus in amazement, Magnus may be taller than Alec, but Alec is much broader. Magnus smirks and leans down and nips Alec's earlobe, "Oh darling, I'm much stronger than I look."

Magnus starts moving faster and harder, hitting Alec exactly where he wants him to, making Alec see stars. Before Alec knows what happening, his orgasm hits fast and hard. A couple thrusts more, and Magnus follows.

"Holy shit, Alexander!" Magnus pulls out, panting, "That was the best wake up ever!"

After they clean up, Magnus trails kisses from Alec's jaw to his new scar. Alec follows Magnus' movements and watches his boyfriend trace his fingers over the recently healed flesh. Alec hates the scar. Ever since he first saw it, he's developed a bit of self consciousness over it. Magnus must have noticed the change in Alec's demeanor because he looks up when Alec sucks in a breath.

"What's wrong?" Magnus' worried expression doesn't help Alec with his newest insecurity.

Swallowing the lump that's forming, Alec clears his throat, "It's ugly."

He's proud of actually managing to say it, but saying it doesn't keep the tears away. Alec has no idea why he's suddenly crying, he's not sure if it's the scar itself, or the reason the scar is there in the first place. Magnus immediately pulls Alec close and holds him tight, soothing him like Alec is a child, and not the twenty-six year old that he is.

Alec pulls away once he's calmed down some. Magnus looks at him lovingly, wiping the tears away from his face. Magnus keeps Alec's face in his hands, making sure they maintain eye contact.

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