Chapter 29

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Arriving at the restaurant, Magnus can't help but admire the decor. Everything that he and his mother picked out looks amazing, but not as amazing as the man standing next to him. Isabelle did a fantastic job on designing and making their suits. Alexander is wearing a black dress shirt, black dress pants, a midnight blue blazer with black silk lapels, and a tie that matches the blazer. When Magnus saw Alexander in his suit, he wanted to rip it off and have his way with him.

Magnus' suit coordinates with Alexander's perfectly. Magnus is wearing a royal blue blazer, tie, dress pants, with a thin paisley pattern embroidered in the blazer and tie. Underneath that he had on a simple black dress shirt. His hair is chalked in blue, set in his signature spikes along with glitter gel to give him more flare. His makeup is a blue smoky eye shadow, lined with black kohl and glitter. Magnus also used a nude lips gloss.

They make their way into the dining area, following the maître d' to their table. Magnus notices Alexander glancing around. "Are they here yet?" Magnus asks, knowing exactly who Alec is looking for.

"Not yet, or at least not that I can tell." Alec replies. At this moment, Ragnor comes into view.

"Magnus! Pretty Boy! Good to see you two." Ragnor greets them with a hug.

"Hey old man!" Alec huffs out a laugh and a genuine smile. "Where's your better half?"

"Ah, pretty boy's got jokes." Ragnor looks around, "Catarina is over near the Morgensterns' talking about... well... whatever it is that doctors talk about."

"Alec?" it isn't a voice Magnus recognizes, but he knows it came from behind them. Before Magnus can turn to look, suddenly there's a man rushing towards his boyfriend, pulling him into a tight embrace.

"My boy! I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." Magnus hears the man whispering, his face buried in Alexander's neck. "I should have fought her. I never should have let you go."

The man - who Magnus now presumes to be Alec's father - pulls out of the embrace with eyes red rimmed as he continues, "Words can't describe how much I've missed you son."

Alexander, who had clearly been stunned in silence up until now, snaps out of his haze. "I've already been over this with Maryse, it's taken you six years to contact me! Tell me, Robert. What's changed? Why are you and Maryse suddenly ready to let me back in with open arms?" Alec says angrily. He moves closer to Magnus, and Magnus automatically wraps his arm around Alexander's waist in comfort and support. He also notices that Ragnor has made himself scarce.

"I'm sorry Alec. I wish I could go back in time and change everything. Ever since your mother kicked you out, we've been fighting more and more. I confess that I was a coward. I knew how she felt about homosexuals, and I still allowed her to treat you the way she did, and for that, I am sorry. I will spend the rest of my life making that up to you." Robert takes a noticeable breath, "When I found out that you nearly died, that's when I gave your mother the ultimatum."

Now Magnus is confused, Alexander didn't say anything about an ultimatum. He glances at his boyfriend, and realizes that Alec too knows nothing about this.

"What ultimatum?" Alec says incredulously.

Magnus turned towards Robert, who looks like his face is going to explode. It's an alarming shade of red, and there's a vein popping out in his forehead. "You mean she didn't tell you!?" Robert asks in a strained voice, Alec shakes his head. "When I found out about the shooting, that was the last straw. I told your mother that I had already lost one son, and I'd be damned if I would lose another. I was tired of her constantly dictating what goes on in our family. I wanted you back. I told her that she needed to contact you and set things right." The anger faded from his voice as he continued. "Son, I don't care that you're gay. I just want you to be happy, and I know you haven't been for a long time."

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