Chapter 21

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Magnus immediately tries to jump up to help Alec close the doors, but the police officer holds him back. Magnus calls out Alec's name, but he doesn't get a response. He hears a lot of shouting, and guns firing off in the distance, and then there's silence. The officer sitting across from Magnus radios in to one of the other officers on the scene to find out what's going on. "There was a gang member hiding. He fired off a round, trying to get a hit on one of the other officers, but he missed. We don't know where the bullet hit, but we've apprehended the assailant and he's in cuffs now."

Upon hearing that, all of the blood rushes out of Magnus' head, and a feeling of dread seeps into him. He jumps out of the ambulance and sees Alec face down on the ground with blood pooling around him.

"Call for another medic! Alec's been shot!" Magnus shouts into the ambulance. He grabs the first aid bag, flips Alec over, and sees that there's a gunshot wound in Alec's abdomen. He immediately applies pressure, and yells for Aline to come help stabilize him until another medic unit arrives.

"Magnus! I can't find a pulse!" Aline yells out.

"Start chest compressions!" As soon as Aline starts the compressions, more blood starts coming out of the wound, despite the amount of pressure Magnus is applying.

"Stop stop stop! He's losing too much blood. Just do mouth to mouth!" Magnus is trembling at this point. He's practically at the point of hysteria. He can't lose his Alexander. As he works on Alec, he feels like he's going through an out of body experience. He knows that he's doing everything he can in order to keep pressure on the wound, but it still doesn't seem real.

At this point, the other ambulance arrives. Aline is informing them what happened, while Magnus swiftly moves aside to let the other paramedic handle Alec. He knows that in his current state, they can help more than he can. They rush him off to the hospital, and alone with the patient that wasn't Alec. Magnus still feels numb inside. This isn't real. This can't be happening to Alec. Magnus must be having a bad dream.

On the way, Magnus is monitoring their patient while Aline is on the phone to Chief Jeffries to let him know about Alec.

"So you must be Alec's new partner." The officer says to Magnus, pulling him away from this thoughts.

"Have you worked with Alec before now?" Magnus asks confused, "And yes, I started working with Alec back in May."

The officer chuckles and shakes his head, "No, I've never worked with Alec before, and I don't mean 'partner' as in work partner. I mean 'partner' as in boyfriend." The officer stretches his hand, "My names Adam Barke, I dated Alec for almost two years." Magnus continues to look at the mans hand, and then the recognition clicks. He's the closet case! He quickly glances at the mans hand and sees a wedding ring firmly in place.

"Ah yes, I do know who you are. How's the wife you use to keep up appearances? Still fucking men on the side?" Magnus snears. He is not in the mood to deal with this shit right now. It's already taking all of his willpower not to break his professionalism and crumble into the emotional mess he is inside. But this guy is acting like nothing has happened, like they're meeting in a completely mundane way, like they just stumbled upon each other at a grocery store, or coffee shop. Alexander is in a different ambulance at this very moment, and his stupid ex doesn't even seem to care about the fact that Alec could be dying for all they know!

"Uh... yeah... ," Officer douche clearly doesn't know how to respond to Magnus' snark. Magnus would have grinned in satisfaction at burning Alec's ex, but he can't bring himself to care at the moment. .

"I guess it's a good thing Alexander didn't propose like he was planning on doing. Lightwood-Barke just sounds too cliché," Magnus says with an air of arrogance. Magnus really can't believe this asshole. All Magnus is trying to do, is keep his composure in check long enough to get this guy and the patient to the hospital, so Magnus can focus solely on Alec and his condition.

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