Chapter 24

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Today is discharge day, and Magnus couldn't be happier. As Magnus packs his clothes, he starts thinking about how the next six to eight weeks are going to go. Alexander has agreed to let Magnus take him back to his loft, where he will stay for the remainder of his recovery time. Magnus plans on spoiling Alec during his stay. They're both off work until Alec is cleared to go back, so there's not going to be a time where Alexander will have to be left alone. Annisa has also insisted on helping Magnus take care of Alec, but Magnus is reluctant to let her do so because he doesn't want Alec to feel uncomfortable. Magnus also knows that Jace, Isabelle, and Clary will be frequent visitors at his apartment, and he doesn't want too many people crowding Alec. He knows that it's killing Alec to not be able to do things on his own, but Magnus is going to try and make him as comfortable as possible. A knock on the door pulls Magnus out of his thoughts.

"Hey, here's a change of clothes for Alec." Clary says as she peeks her head in the door.

"Thanks Clary." Magnus takes the bag out of her hands as she enters the room fully, followed closely by Jace. Magnus is surprised to see the blond.

"I thought you were working today?" Alec asks Jace, echoing Magnus' thoughts.

"I am, but Asmodeus is letting me come in after we get you to Magnus' and settled in." Jace says as he hugs his brother. "We also have a bunch of your clothes in the back of Clary's car. I think Izzy packed your entire wardrobe." Jace chuckles and Alec joins in.

"Yeah that sounds like her." Alec rolls his eyes but with a fond smile on his face. Magnus can't help but to laugh. He expects nothing else from 'The Great Isabelle Lightwood.'

"Hey Clare, would you mind getting these damn IV's out of my hand so I can put some real clothes on?" Alec asks. Clary laughs but shakes her head.

"Not a chance, Lightwood. I'm not the discharge nurse on this unit, so I can't do a damn thing but sit here and be your friend," she replied. Alec huffs in response.

"Knock, knock!" Camille says as she enters the room like she owns the place. She's still not exactly friendly towards Magnus, but he can understand the resentment she holds towards him.

"Hey Cam!" Clary says as she hugs her colleague, and Camille reciprocates the greeting. Clary has no idea that Camille is the same woman from the bar all those months ago, Alexander mentioned to Magnus that he thought it would be best not to fill his best friend in on that bit of information. Magnus tends to agree. Clary can be quite overprotective of Alec.

"Okay Alec, are you ready to get out of here?" Camille asks.

"More than you can possibly image," is Alexander's response. Camille laughs and sets to work on unhooking his IV. Once she's done, she helps Alec sit up, and he walks into the private bathroom to change his clothes.

"Now," Camille starts, looking at everyone in the room. "Who is going to be helping Alec while he's recovering?"

Everyone raises their hands, but Magnus speaks up. "He'll be staying with me. I'll be with him most, if not all of the time."

Camille nods, "Good. Now, here is a list of his nutrition guide. He needs to follow it, especially now. We don't want him to become diabetic. Also, his liver isn't functioning like the way it used to, so that also affects the way his body processes food." Camille waits to make sure they each know the importance of Alec's new diet. Once she receives verbal confirmation she continues, "Here is a list of medication that he can no longer take. Some medication gets broken down by the kidneys, and some through the liver. He can't take Acetaminophen, Theraflu, Nyquil, or Dayquil; just to name a few. This is a list of all over the counter, and prescription medications that he can no longer take."

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