Chapter 18

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Alec wakes up in an exceptionally good mood. Things this week have been going very well for him. He and Magnus are starting to get back on track, work has been going well, and yesterday was Alec's birthday. Even though he had to work, his mood was in high spirits. Tonight he's going to dinner with Jace and Clary to celebrate his birthday, but in only about two hours, he's having lunch with Magnus. He didn't tell Magnus about his birthday, even though he knows he should have. He just didn't want Magnus to do something over the top. He knows that Magnus still feels guilty about the breakup, and has been trying to buy Alec's affection - more so at the beginning of the breakup than now - but Alec doesn't want that at all. He just wants an honest, opened boyfriend.

Alec hops off the couch, goes to the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee, and takes a quick shower. Izzy sent him some clothes in the mail, saying it was his birthday present and then some, so Alec promised his sister that he would wear them. He pulls out one of the outfits that Izzy bought, and puts one of them on. He can't believe that Izzy included a hand written description of each outfit, and what items go with what, but he went with it anyway. He's a grown ass man, he knows how to dress...

As soon as he finishes getting ready, the doorbell rings, indicating that Magnus is here to pick him up for their lunch date. He grabs his wallet and heads out to greet his boyfriend. He opens his door and his breath catches at the site of the man before him. Magnus isn't dressed in his normal glamorous attire like when they usually go out on their dates, but he looks stunning. He's wearing a light blue long sleeved Henley, tight gray skinny jeans, and a pair of Vans. He's completely makeup free, and his hair isn't up it's usual spikes or chalked. Alec kisses Magnus in greeting and they head out.

They choose to walk to one of Alec's favorite pizza restaurants since it's only a few blocks away, chatting idly. When they reach the pizza parlor, Magnus pulls the door open for Alec, causing him to blush - he really wishes he didn't blush so easily - and they make their way inside. There is no hostess, so Alec chooses a table close to the back of the restaurant, near a window. They sit down and resume the conversation they were having on the way to the pizzeria.

" Jace is still stay with you guys? You look so tired, darling," Magnus says as he runs the pad of his thumb along Alec's cheek bone, right underneath his eye. Alec knows that he has bags under his eyes, sleeping on the couch isn't exactly an ideal situation.

"Yeah," Alec sighs, closing his eyes as he leans into Magnus' touch, "he asked Clary and me last night if he could stay with us for a few months to save up for his own apartment. He wants nothing to do with our parents anymore." Magnus hums in response. He knows that the subject of Alec's parents is something that Alec tries to avoid talking about, and Alec is grateful that Magnus doesn't ask him more about it.

"Are you going to let him stay in your room while he's there? That doesn't really seem fair to you," Magnus says with a tinge of sympathy in his voice.

"Oh hell no! Once he's out of that sling, and can move around more comfortably on his own, his ass is taking residence on our couch." Alec exclaims. "I miss my bed. He can share my closet, but that's it." This causes Magnus to chuckle.

"He might not be able to do that much longer, not with the way your sister seems to be sending you clothes," Magnus gestures to Alec's outfit, "I love them, by the way. I kind of want to meet her just to have her become my own personal shopper when she returns to New York next month." Alec laughs at Magnus' statement.

"I'll see what I can do," He responds with a smile. They order their pizza, eat, then head back to Alec's apartment.

"So, you're going out with Clary and Jace tonight?" Magnus asks once they reach Alec's apartment.

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