Chapter 25

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Alec wakes up the same way he has every morning since leaving the hospital: Magnus curled up in front of him, with Alec's arms wrapped securely around his waist, their legs intertwined, and his head buried in the crook of Magnus' neck. Alec inhales deeply, savoring the smell that is solely Magnus, sandlewood with a hint of mint. Alec loves that smell; it always made him feel at home.

Three weeks into Alec's recovery, and he's going stir crazy! Alec hasn't been this stagnant since he was a child, though it hasn't been all bad. Magnus has been waiting on Alec hand and foot. Alec plans to reward Magnus thoroughly for how amazing he's been once he's recovered. At the moment one thing Alec can do is make breakfast for his boyfriend. Alec slowly slips out of bed and heads to the kitchen, followed closely behind is Chairman Meow. Alec feeds the Chairman and starts brewing his coffee and starts the kettle for Magnus' tea, then looks to see what he can make for him and Magnus. Deciding on omelets, Alec gathers the ingredients and has everything cooking away when he fancied adding yogurt with granola to the menu.

Magnus walks into the kitchen, just as Alec finishes setting the table. Alec walks up to his boyfriend and gives him a sweet, chaste, kiss on the lips.

"Good morning my love." Alec says as he pulls away. Magnus just looks around at what Alec's done, dumbfounded.

"Alexander, what is all this?" Magnus gestures towards the table. Alec chuckles and gestures for Magnus to sit down.

"This is breakfast." Alec says as he pours hot water over the tea ball and into Magnus' tea cup, "Chairman ate his breakfast as I was cooking."

"Darling, you didn't have to do this!" Magnus exclaims. "I'm the one who's supposed to be taking care of you, not the other way around." Alec leans towards his boyfriend, and kisses his nose.

"I'm fully aware of that," Alec says, giving Magnus a pointed look when he tries to protest. "But, I'm tired of always sitting around doing nothing. My stomach is feeling much better, and you only allow me to walk around for an hour each day. I feel like a caged couch potato! With that being said, I just wanted to feel useful for once, and I wanted to do something for you."

"I know, and I'm sorry. I am just following the doctors orders." Magnus sighs, "When we go for your follow up appointment today, maybe they will cut out some of your restrictions."

"God I hope so! I'm getting cabin fever." Alec says as he picks up his fork.

"Thank you for breakfast, sweetheart." Magnus grabs Alec's hand and gently brushes his lips across Alec's knuckles causing him to blush.

They eat in companionable silence until they eventually begin discussing their plans for after Alec's doctor's appointment. Alec tells Magnus that he wants to see the guys at the station, and pleads with his boyfriend to take him after his appointment. Magnus agrees as long as the doctors say it's okay that Alec increases his activity levels, which Alec gives him an annoyed look.

"Alexander, I don't want you to overexert yourself!" Magnus exclaims, then his expression softens, "You know I worry about you."

Alec gently stands, as he's still not supposed to flex his abdominal muscles - which is a lot harder than it seems - and takes their empty plates. He bends down and kisses Magnus on his head, "I know you do. I'll wait and see what the doctor says." With that, he slowly turns - so he doesn't twist more than he should - walks into the kitchen and starts cleaning up the mess he made while cooking.


"Alec! It's good to see you son." Valentine says when he walks into the patient room and gives Alec a hug. "Let's have a look at that wound, shall we?"

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