My New Life (A One Direction Fan Fiction)

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I ran up the stairs and through the empty halls of my school scared like I usually was. I ran into the nearest girls bathroom and shut the door. I heard voices on the outside, so I held my knees against my chest on the toilet seat, hand covering my mouth.

They walked into the bathroom and stayed very quiet. They kicked open every stall door, each door screeching, then crashing against the walls of the stalls. When mine didn't open, that's when it all happened. 

A pair of hands grabbed my ankles and ripped me from the toilet seat. My butt hit the floor, and my head smacked against the toilet seat, making me scream. To my left stood Alexis Charleston. She spat on me and mumbled something I couldn't hear over my screams.

The girl who dragged me out of the stall had a hold of my neck so I wouldn't scream. I recognized her to be Melissa Redwood.

And finally my ex-best friend, Nicki Grader. She was in charge of all this, having her friends do the dirty work. 

Nicki grabbed a hold of my jacket that had been stained in tears and lifted me up. then we rotated to the left and she pushed me against the hard bathroom wall. Me, hitting my head hard it probably started bleeding. 

Nick started choking me. Why were they doing this to me you ask? I have no clue, guess Nicki just thought I'd be a perfect target considering we weren't friends anymore.

The blonde girl that had dragged me out of the stall walked over and grabbed me bye my hair. She threw me and the ground and I heard something crack and screamed. That's when the big girl stepped on my face and I blacked out.  I heard a muffled noise of a man screaming but I wasn't listening. 

I woke up in sharp pain, in a room I could not make out. I heard beeping noises and opened my eyes. I couldn't believe where I was. I was in a hospital.  

"Hayley Greene, Am I right?" I heard a man say. I tried to look up but my neck was in pain. 

"Whoa don't move so much kiddo. We gave you medicine, but I don't believe it's kicked in yet." He explained. 

"Is my dad here?" I peeped.

"Yes he's on his way. I need you to answer some questions, alright?" He said.  

"Wait who are you, and why am I here?" My voice was raspy, but I'm sure he heard me.

"I'm Dr. Goldsburg, and you're here because three girls beat you up in school. And friend of yours walked into the bathroom and screamed at what she saw and got the principals attention. He called the ambulance at the sight of blood. The girls that were there are now expelled from school."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I've been beaten up many times by them and they never got expelled until now.

"Oh, okay. Thanks so much Doctor. Can I see my dad? Is he here?" I squeaked. Everything hurt. I couldn't move very much. It hurt to talk my face was in so much pain from when the large girl stepped on my face. I'm almost sure it's bruised.

"I'll go check sweetie. If you need a nurse, there's a button on the remote right next to you." 

Sweetie. Haven't heard that in a while.

"Thanks Doctor." I piped. I couldn't bare the pain. I hurt everywhere. I was afraid my neck was broken, and I was paralyzed. But I'm sure the doctor would've said something about that.

I looked around at my surroundings. I was really in the hospital because of three girls, two of which I did not know. I'm just glad I didn't have to go back to school and face them again. 

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