Chapter Nineteen. The Girls.

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Hayley's POV 

It's been two days since I was back in the hospital, and I woke up and took my drugs.

The house was unusually silent, which worried me.

I walked into the kitchen and saw a note laying on the counter. It read,

"Hey love. Us boys had an interview on the telly. (channel 34 if you're wondering.) But we've got a surprise on their way. It will be at the house at one."

I glanced over at the clock in the middle of the note. 12: 21 p.m.

I continued  reading the note. 

"Molly is at a friends house and mum is at work. Don't go ANYWHERE. I mean it Hays. See you at 3. Love you babe(: - Hazza-bear."

He's so cute.

What was a surprise coming to the house? A package? People?! I DON'T KNOW!

So I went upstairs and got ready, in case it is people. I jumped in the shower and got all clean. I got out and dried off. 

I went to my room and put in some mascara, pressed powder, and a little eyeliner. I looked really good. I straightened my hair, mostly because it takes a while to curl it.

I heard the doorbell ring and I panicked. It was people. BUT WHO!? Certainly Harry wouldn't send a rapist to the house. 

I trotted down the stairs and braced myself before I opened the door.

There before me, stood three AMAZINGLY gorgeous girls.

One, was tall with brown hair parted down the middle, He fashion sense was AWESOME.

To her left was a girl with EXTREMELY curly hair, not frizzy, just really curly.

The last was blonde, her hair was curled perfectly, she was a little shorter than the others, It took me a second to figure out who they were.

"Hi! You must me Hayley, Harry's new girl?" The Brunette asked.

"Yes, I am... I think." I stumbled on my words. I felt intimidated.  

"Haha! I'm Eleanor, I'm Louis' girl friend." She smiled. 

"I'm Danielle, I'm Liam's girl friend." The really curly one spoke.

"And I'm Perrie, Zayn's girl friend." the blonde one smiled, and I returned the favor.

"Come one in!" I said gesturing inside.

These girls must be in their twenties... at the most. They were drop dead GORGEOUS and had the best fashion sense I've ever seen.

"Wow, you've got to teach me style. Because," I said gesturing at my outfit, "I'm no good at it."

"Aww It's alright! I love that outfit actually!" Danielle had a sparkle in her eye.

"What?! You're kidding right?" I laughed and they looked at me with serious eyes.

My outfit consisted of A long sleeve button up tan shirt with a collar. And underneath was a brown skirt that puffed out quite a bit, and the top hugged my waist. My shoes were old fashioned, (like my outfit) They were brown slip-ons with a little heal on it, and they had a bow sitting perfectly on top. 

"No I've never seen anyone pull that skirt off as well as you do!" Perrie confessed.  

"Thanks, but seriously! You girls need to help me with my fashion sense!" I suggested.
"Definitely. Anytime!" Danielle promised.
We all settled in the living room, then the questions about Harry blew in.

"So what's it like being the girl friend of a popstar, mmm?" Perrie asked, as if she already doesn't know...

"It's alright. No fans have sent me any death threats yet. So i'd say so far so good!" I said with a little giggle. 

"Let's get to the point, does he kiss good?" Dani asked. 

Eleanor hit her playfully on the arm, "Dani! That's non of our bussiness!" 
"I'm sorry, I'm just curious!" Dani giggled. 

I like these girls. 

"Hey, the guys said they would be in t.v., channel 34 to be exact. Let's stalk them." I suggested. They nodded, and I turned on the telly. 

"Welcome back! And in the studio today we have One Direction! Welcome boys!" A woman's thick English accent filled the speakers. 

"Thanks for having us, Sherri." Niall spoke through a smile. 

"So, to get started, what have you boys been doing since you just got out of your tour from America?"  The woman asked. 

"Let's say, a whole lot of nothing, but made a new friend on the way." Louis confessed. 

I felt my face flush. And so did Harry's. 

"Oh really? And who might that be?" The woman asked. 

"Well, we are staying with a family friend and her daughter. Well now, daughters. And let me tell you Sher, this girl has gone through some hell to get to where she is now." Louis smile fell and Eleanor looked at me. Her attention turned back to Lou, who began to speak again, but was interupted by Niall. 
"Yeah, her story had us in tears. And I don't think I've ever seen Liam cry." Niall confessed. 

"Do you think she would mind if you shared her story?" The woman was gawking her eyes at Harry, and I started to get angry. 

"Please say yes. Please say yes. PLEASE. SAY. YES." I chanted. 

"I think she would, but all we'll say is she's very strong." Zayn covered quickly. I mentally thanked him.

"Alright. So have any of you boys fancy her?" The woman asked, still gawking at Harry. 

"Well, Harry here-" Louis began.

"I do. And let me tell you, she's something to hold on to. She's the most amazing girl anyone could possibly want in their life. And i'm sure these boys here," Harry was gesturing at Zayn, Louis, and Liam. "could understand when I say this, Our girls are tough to hold onto with all the crazy fan girls out there trying to get us. These girls have to go through so much, i'm surprised they stuck around this long. Back to my girl, I've only known this girl a few weeks, and have fallen head over heals for her. Sher, this is strong. She's been through so much it's hard to believe she ended up with a bunch of crazy boys." Harry stopped.

Everything went silent. My stomach was knotting a million knots. My face was probably beat red, the girls staring at me with smiles stretched across their beautiful faces. 

We turned back to the telly. 

"Sounds like you've got yourself quite a girl, Harry. Hold onto her. No matter what." The woman was giving Harry advice. 

"No problem." Harry smiled.

"Alright folks, that was One Direction! We'll be right back with more news!" The lady spoke one last time before I shut off the television. 

They girls and i stood up and squealed in excitement. This was a HUGE deal for me. 

"I can't believe Hazza said all of that about you on television!" Dani was in awe. 

"I can't either!" I agreed. After all of our squealing calmed, we sat back down, but I was still jumping in my seat. I couldn't wait til the boys got home.


So what do you think!? I introduced the girls, and Harry spilling his feelings out for Hayley  on live television! Here's what hayley looks like, (copy and paste the image) 

I'll try to figure out a way to get the outfit up here. I have it saved, but I don't know how to oout it on the side like you can usually do. I you know how to do that, please tell me! That'd be great!


My New Life. (A One Direction Fan Fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang