Chapter Thirty One. Forever, and Always. Love, Hayley Styles.

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A/N Hey guys. Grab the tissues, you're going to be upset. This is the last chapter on the series. This was my very first fan fiction, I had a lot of fun writing it. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did. I love all my lovely fans! By the way, if you haven't heard already, me and my best friend are co-writing a story together called "We Met One Direction At the Grocery Store" Please please please check it out! We love all the attention it's getting so far. Without further a do, the last chapter of "My New Life." I might start crying, writing it!

Hayley's POV

Five years later...

Three years. 

Me and Harry have been married three years. I've been on tour with him, and boy is that fun. I've traveled the world with him. Had so many great opportunities with him.

"Mommy, look at the pretty flowers!" Darcy squealed. We were at the park on a beautiful day. 

"Yes sweetie, they're beautiful." I picked her up and sat her on my waist.

Me and Harry live alone. The boys live with their fiance's, together happily. I've been so proud of my best friends. Harry, my husband. 

I try to remember how this all came about. I've told Darcy the story many times. Hoping she'll one day pass it on to her kids.


Beautiful curly hair and green eyes like her father.

Darcy reminds me of that nightmare I had a few years ago. How Harry and a boy were at my grave, staring at me. But, we had a girl. Not a boy. Dreams aren't what they always come out as. I had dreams of going to college, becoming famous. Of course, I was already there with Harry's help.

I've done a lot of growing up since I first met Harry. I was a teenager, now I'm a mother with responsibilities. A house, a car, bills to pay, food to put on the table, A daughter, a husband. 

Speaking of my husband, here he comes now.

"Daddy!" Darcy sqealed running up to him, arms wide for a hug. He picked her up and spun her around. 

"Hello darling." He kissed me one my forehead, holding Darcy. We walked around the park for a while, the Darcy started to get sleepy. We went back into the car and put her in her carseat.

Harry and I have been inseperable since we had Darcy. His and I's love has been strong since we first met. Granite, there were times along the way where we'd fight, but every relationship has their fights.  

Darcy has only brought us closer, which is amazing.

Darcy knows that when Harry goes in tour, it's going to be a long time before he sees her. We video chat when we can, but I know Darcy misses him more than anything. 

These past couple of years have been the best of my life. I still can't believe how I got here, but I'm glad I am.

Katie and my father made it to our wedding. I've never seen my father so happy in my life.

Katie and the girls, (Eleanor, Danielle, Perrie, and Phoebe.) were my bridesmaids at the wedding. My mum and Molly were ecstatic about the whole thing. 

Molly is now in college. Studying to be a doctor. I'm very proud of her, as the rest of us are. 

Katie is also in college, she's finishing up her college years and becoming a Marine Biologist.

The boys are still doing their career they always have been, and while they're on tour, me and the girls sulk in the living room, eating Ben & Jerry's ice cream while watching chick flicks, with Darcy of course. Then when the boys come back, we do the exact same thing. 

I'm glad you all have stuck around with my crazy encounters with One Direction. I hope you enjoyed the crazy rollercoaster of my life. I'm sorry it ended so quickly. I loved every but of it, and I hope you did too. 

Forever and Always,


Hayley Styles. 

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