Chapter Twelve. Did I love him? Did he love me back?

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Harry's POV

Did I like her?

Did she really ask me that?

Wasn't it obvious?

Why am I asking myself these questions, when she's right there?

Hayley Greene. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. 

Green eyes, brown hair. Sweet smile, everything about her was perfect. 

"What kind of question is that?" I smiled. 

"A question." She smiled back. 

"No I don't like you." I said with another smile. 

Her smile dissapeared. 

I picked her up where she was cradling in my arms. 

"I think I love you." I said. 

She smiled, I put her down and she wrapped her arms around me. 

"Hayley Greene, would you like to go out with me this Saturday?" I asked her.

She smiled. "Of course Harry Styles." 

We walked back in, all eyes on us. 

"I think they heard." I whispered to Hayley. 

Right then, Louis stood up, followed by Zayn, followed by Liam, followed by Niall. All clapping. 

"So are you two dating yet or what?!" Molly walked in the room. I saw Hayley blush. 

"No, but Harry's taking me out on Saturday." Hayley smiled at me. I returned one. 


I looked over at Hayley. 

"That's, not a bad idea." I smiled at Hayley. 

She hit me in the arm. 

"Ouch! What was that for, love?!" I exclaimed.

She pulled on my arm and we ran out of the room, and up the stairs. 

She stopped in the hallway. 

"That, was for being a pervert." She said.

"But this..." She stopped and leaned in. I leaned in more and I kissed her. And I have to say, her lips are soft.

"That's for being right. And for being cute." She added. 

"Oh I see, so we do get to sleep in the same bed then? I don't have to sleep on the floor anymore?!" I exclaimed. 

"Of course love." She added before kissing me on the cheek. 

She skipped off dowstairs and left me blushing like an idiot in the middle of the hallway. 

Everything was perfect. Hayley, me and the lads everthing was right. 

Hayley's POV

After I skipped off downstairs, I had a terrible feeling in my stomach. A sharp pain. 

I crumpled onto the floor, moaning in pain. 

All the guys, and Molly, rushed to my side. Harry pushed past them to me. 

"Hayley what's wrong?" Molly asked. 

"Are you dizzy?" Zayn asked. I nodded my head, I was dizzy. And I had a headache, and unbearable stomach pains. What was wrong with me!?

After I found out what it was, I ran to the bathroom, shut the door and locked it. 

I heard feet in the hallway, then screaming. 

"Hayley? Is everything alright love?" It was Molly. At that point, I didn't care the boys were right there, I was in pain. 

"Molly do you have any tampons?" I asked. 

I heard giggling, followed by and "ouch". Stupid Louis. 

"Molly!" I screamed. 

She shooed the boys away and opened the bathroom door. She started digging around the cabinet and pulled out a box of tampons. She handed them to me and ran off somewhere. 

I got situated, (only because i'm not going to get in depth about that part. SICK-O'S!) 

Molly came back with a bottle of Tylenol. 

"Thank you so much Molly." I got up and hugged her. 

"No problem sis." She winked at me. 

We walked out of the bathroom and guess who was standing in the hallway. 

"Harry what are you doing?" I asked. 

"Making sure my love isn't dying." He said. 


"Boo-bear, you know we have a different kind of love!" Harry shouted back.

"Aw.. I know.." Louis said in dissapointment. 

"Harry can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked. 

He followed me up to my room. 

"What's up Hay-bear?" He asked 

"What do you see in me? I'm sure you have fans, or girls after you that are WAY prettier than I am, or smarter, taller, just better. I guess I don't see why you would-" 

I was cut off. He kissed me. Harry Styles kissed me. His lips were... Extremely soft. And non-escapable. 

"I find you very attractive. Smart, tall, and PERFECT. You're everything a guy could ever want." Harry said sweetly. 

I stood there blushing like an idiot. 

Harry wrapped his arms around my waist and we were forehead, to forehead.

He kissed me one more time, but then we were rudely interupted. AGAIN. 

"Hey Hazza, I need help with- AHHH MY EYES! IT BURNS! AHHHHHH!" Louis shouted. 

Oh Louis. 

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