Chapter Five. Getting To Know The Boys.

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Louis walked over to me and we linked arms. We began to walk. 

"Well, Hayley, I think you and I wil beacome great friends!"




Louis Tomlinson be friends with me?!

This is not happening.

"And why do you say that?" I peeped. 

Louis began to laugh hysterically.  

"Well, you like carrots. Any girl that likes carrots is a friend of me."

We stopped walking.

I felt someone reach out and touch my shoulder.

"Lou, now you know that isn't true." Harry looked over at me.

"Oh, on the contrary Hazza! And by the way.. What you said rhymed."

"Yes Boobear, I'm very aware." He stuck his tongue out at Louis.

"YOU JUST DID IT AGAIN!" Louis stuck his tongue out at Harry and walked away.

"Sorry about that." He looked at me and smiled.

"No it's alright. I haven't been around boys in a while so this is new to me. I'm already liking it though." I looked at him and smiled back.

"Oh, well in that case we'll have to get to know each other!" He looked at me, but I looked away.

I wasn't about to tell some complete strangers why I was here. I wasn't ready for the crap I would get from them, considering they are boys. But Harry just looked at me and smiled.

"Yes I guess so, but before I tell anyone, anything I'll have to know I can trust you." I smiled viciously.

"And how do we do that?" He was really wanting to know. 

"The trust test." I giggled, and he looked at me confused. 

"You American people have strange tests!" Harry yelled. Everyone looked. 


"Okay guys, Harry stand behind me and hold your arms out."

Harry did as he was told. 

"Okay now I'm going to stand with my back facing you, and fall backwards. You have to catch me, then I will know that I can trust you."

"And what if we don't catch you?" Niall blurted while shoving a slice of pizza in his mouth.

"Well then I can't trust you. Alright Harry, you're up!"

Harry was standing at the ready, but he looked nervous. 

"I'm really scared I won't catch you!" He yelled. 

"Don't worry, I'm really light."

I stood in front of him, back facing him. 

At that moment, I was on my heels, I had fell backwards.

Harry caught me. 

"WOOHOO! YEAH GO HAZZA!" Everyone was shouting. Harry just blushed. 

"Alright! Liam's turn!" 

I had my back to Liam, Then Zayn shouted, "Moment of truth Liam Payne!"

I fell back and his large hands caught me. 

Everyone went through this process and succeeded. 

"Now tell us!" Liam shouted. Everyone had their eyes on me. We walked into the living room and all sat down. 

Niall sat on my left, Louis on my right. Zayn next to Louis, and Harry to next to Niall. Liam Sat across from me, next to Molly. They all stared in desperation. 

"Well, I grew up in Washington. But then when I was 10 my dad moved me to New York. It was a hard change, but no matter where I went I got made fun of because of my accent. That's the only thing I like about myself. It keeps me different from the rest of the ignorance of New York and their terrible accents. I think my accent is unique."

"That's the only thing you like about your self? Why?" I looked up and saw Harry staring at me with hurtful eyes. 

"Yeah I agree with Haz. You're beautiful Hayley." I look up to see Liam smiling at me. I couldn't help but to blush. 

"Thanks guys. I appreciate it greatly." 

"SHE'S BLUSHING! LOOK SHE'S THE SAME COLOR AS A CARROT!" Louis screamed. I hit him on the arm. 

"Owwy... I'm sawwy...." He said scooting closer to Zayn. 

"You never told us why you were actually here." Zayn was really curious, as I'm sure the rest of them are. 

"Well a few days ago, I was at school. We were in gym and this girl threw a dodge ball really hard at my head. So I threw one ten times harder back her head. She and her "Clique" stormed after me. I bursted out the door of the gym and ran up the stairs to the Sophomore hallway and ran into the nearest girls bathroom, ran into a stall and shut the door. It was the most scared I have ever been in my life."

I had been looking down at my shoes and fiddling with my hands. 

"Right then I heard noises from the outside so I brought my knees up to my chest. All I could do was pray to God no one heard me sobbing. I put my hand over my mouth to make sure of that. They kicked open every stall door and when mine didn't open, I felt my ankles be pulled out from underneath me. I screamed as my bum hit the floor and neck hit the toilet seat."

I went back to reality, realizing I was crying, but I looked at no one. 

"My ex best friend was there. It made me sick. She pushed me against the wall and I smacked my head really hard. They were spitting in me, kicking me, pushing me, throwing me. It hurt. Next thing I  knew, I looked around and saw blood. I began to black out, then I heard a man scream."

"Then what happened?" I heard Niall say. I heard sniffles, but I didn't bother to look up. 

"Then, I woke up and I was in a hospital. Two cracked ribs, fractured neck, and my face bruised. Come to find out, those girls are expelled, and with out a doubt, in Juvenal Detention."

I look up. Everyone was crying. Molly's head was in her hands sobbing. While explaining to everyone, I relived th moment as if I was there again. I couldn't hear them, only me. 

I look around and everyone was bawling their eyes out. I couldn't believe the sight. You'd believe someone died, but no. They were crying for me. 

Harry tried comforting me and switched spots with Niall. Harry came over and started to rub my back. Louis was crying. Not fake crying, really crying. He had his head on my shoulder. I grabbed his hand. My open hand was holding my head. I was crying too. All of us were bawling our eyes out. It was just... Different that it was over me. No one's ever cried over me. 

I stood up, and it startled Louis. 

"Where are you going?" Liam called. 

I looked at all of them.

"Why are you all crying?" I said.

"It's just so... Inhumane. How could anyone do that?" Niall was still flowing rivers down his face. My heart broke for him. 

"Group hug?" I called out.

Everyone stood up and began hugging me.

With these guys, I didn't feel alone. I felt protected. Loved. Cared. It felt... like home. I was so happy. I huggd them all tighter.

"You guys are awesome." I squeaked.  

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