Chapter Twenty Three. Going Home.

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Hayley's POV

So Niall and Phoebe have been ditching us all week. I'm totally okay with it though, I've been hangin out with Harry and Molly. 

Harry had been acting weird today, and it's worrying me. Of course.

The boys, (minus Niall) have noticed it too. 

I decided I'd go up to his room and see what's going on. 

"Harry? You alright?" I asked slowly opening the door. 

I hear him silently weeping in the corner.

"Hayley!" He screamed, "What are you doing in here?" 

"I'm checking up on you, you have me and the boys worried sick. Is everything alright?"

He started sobbing and I ran to his side, shutting the door behind me. 

"My mum is sick at home and I can't do anything about it." I wrapped my arms around him.

"Why don't you go visit her? You know she'd love that." I suggested.

"Yeah, but you're coming with me. I'm not letting you leave my side ever again." He looked at me with thoughtful eyes.

"Alright. When are we going?" I asked.

"Tomorrow." He sniffled.

"Tomorrow?! We have to get packed!"

"Calm down babe, let's get packed right now so we can have a chilled evening." Harry suggested. 


I started packing my room, and Harry in his. I came over and helped him, but when I walked in the room, he wasn't there. 

"Harry? Where are you?" I whispered.

There was some screeching, then I was tackled onto his bed.

"Harry! Get off me! This isn't funny!" I shouted.

"Are you ticklish babe?" He asked with a crooked smile.

"Yes but I don't underst-" I was cut off. 

He started tickling me and I got VERY angry. I hate it when people tickle me. I feel weak. 

I pushed him onto the floor, and started tickling HIM. He was giggling the whole time and I fell to the floor laughing at his giggles. 

"What? Why are you laughing?!" He asked.

"Your giggle is so contagious!" I confessed. 

I pushed myself off the floor and headed for the door, but a pair of hands grabbed my waist. 

"Harry what are you-" He spun me around and kissed me right there. In the middle of his room. 

"I win." He said.

"Oh, you do?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"Yep!" He let go of me and ran out of his room, I was still standing there confused. 

 "Harry! Not funny!" I started to go after him. I was at the door and he appeared out of no where. 

He pecked me on the lips and dashed down the stairs.

Harry's POV

I'm EXTREMELY excited to go back to Homes Chappel and see my family, especially with Hayley. She was really nervous, I could tell. 

"Harry, what if they don' like me? Or Gemma doesn't like me... What if-" I cut her off with a kiss.

"If I love you, they'll love you even more." I whispered. 

We were driving to my mums house in Homes Chappel, I could see Hayley in the passenger seat, drifting off into sleep. 

She was so cute when she slept. She wasn't very fun to deal with when she didn't get enough sleep...

It took a few hours, but we finally arrived at my mum's house. 

I woke up Hayley up and she jumped. 

"Whoa there. We're here, babe." I whispered.

"Oh. Thanks Harry."

We gathered our bags and headed for the door. But someone was already there with my bestfriend in her arms. 

"MUM! Dusty!" I shouted, dropping the stuff and hugging them. 

Dusty is my cat, and we have had him since I was little. 

"Hi sweety, how are you?" Mum asked.

"I'm fine. Mum, there's somone here I wasnt you to meet." I gestured to Hayley and she quickly rushed to my side. 

"Mum, this is Hayley. She's my girl friend." I said proudly.

Mum held her hand out to Hayley. "Hello, nice to finally meet you. I'm Anne."

"Hi nice to meet you too." Hayley smiled. 

"Well, bring your stuff and let's get you settled in. Dinner's on the table, if you are hungry." Mum helped us inside.

We headed up to my room. It's just how it was when I left it. 

"This is your room, Harry?" Hayley asked.

"Yes. It looks just the same when I left it." I smiled, remembering all of the memories I made in this room as a kid. 

"Let's head dowstairs and eat. I'm starving." Hayley said nearly whispering.

We headed downstairs and sat down. Gemma, my older sister, met us at the table. 

"Hey little bro!" She noogied my afro. 

"Hey sis. This is my girl friend, Hayley." I said proudly again.

"Hey there. I'm Gemma. I'm the good one." 

"PSH! You wish!" I yelled.

"Alright calm down childeren. Dinners ready." Mum butted in.

She brought in pasta. And of course, we all dug in.

After dinner, we all sat around and talked for a while. 

I saw Hayley yawn, and I thought it was best for us to go up to bed. 

We headed up to the room and Hayley and I changed into our pajamas and dived into bed.

"Harry?" I hear her whisper.

"Yes Hay-bear?" I reply.

"Does your family like me?" She asked.

I turned around and kissed her on her forehead. "They love you Hayley."

"I'm glad." She whispered.

We both drifted off into sleep. 


Okay, So I know this chapter sucks monkey intestines, but I PROMISE! The next chapter should be better. We'll hear more from Niall and Phoebe. And Christmas is coming up in the next few chapters!(: 

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