Chapter Twenty Eight. Louis' Birthday, Snowball Fight!

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Hayley's POV

Louis' birthday is today, but you know what that means too.

"CHRISTMAS EVE!" Louis shouted.

"Yes, it's also your birthday Lou." Liam patted Louis on the back.

"Oh yeah..." He giggled.

"I'll go get the tree from the garage, anyone wanna help me?" Harry asked.

I raised my hand. "I'll go, Niall? Will you come help?"  

Niall stood up and we made our way to the plastic tree in the corner. I gave Harry a 'really?' look.

"We don't like taking it apart." Harry laughed.

"Or, we're too lazy to." Niall added.

The boys grabbed the tree while I got the two boxes of ornaments. I was behind the boys as I watched them struggle with the tree. I set the boxes of ornaments down and shooed the boys away. I picked up the tree with both hands and carried it through the house. They stood at the garage door, jaws hitting the floor. 

"Don't underestimate a girl." I stated. They just nodded and grabbed the boxes I left in the garage. 

We plugged in the lights  on the Christmas tree and everyone dug in the ornaments.

The taller boys, (Harry, Liam) put the ornaments on the top while us short people put the rest on. It was finally done, the only thing left was the star. 

"I think we should let Hayley out it up, since it's her first year here." Liam suggested. The boys nodded.

"I can't reach that! Are you insane!?" Suddenly I was being lifted up by my waist, which I did not like.

"Whoa! Put me down!" I exclaimed.

"Oh calm down and out the star on." Harry laughed.

I placed the star on the very top, once Harry set me down, I plugged it in. It was beautiful.

Zayn stood up. "Merry Christmas everyone."  

I pulled Molly, Liam, and Harry aside, and left Niall and Zayn so he wouldn't get suspicious.  

"Okay, ideas for Tomlinson's birthday. Go!" I pointed at Harry.

"I say we invite all the girls over and have a little get together." He suggested.

"I was thinking the same thing." Liam added.

"Molly?" I looked at her, she was in deep thought.

"I have no idea. I'm going with the boys plan." I nodded. PLAN MR. TOMLINSON HAS GONE INTO OVERDRIVE.

Me and the boys headed back into the living room, while Molly stayed back and called each of the girls.

It was only about a half hour after that when the doorbell rang.

The girls came through the door, with what I'm guessing Christmas presents in their hands. I greeted them, and helped them into the living room.

We all sat down, Harry next to me, Phoebe and Niall to our right, Louis and Eleanor to our right, Zayn and Perrie next to Lou, and Dani and Liam next to Niall and Phoebe. Poor Molly...

"So, now what?" Dani broke the awkward silence making me jump.

"I say-" I began.

"SNOWBALL FIGHT!" Louis shouted, making Eleanor plug her ears.

"I'll second that!" Niall stood up, grabbing Phoebe's hand. GAH! They're so cute!

We all dashed out the door.

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