Chapter Twenty Five. Christmas Shopping.

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Hayley's POV

Christmas shopping. Something I've never done in my whole entire life time. Only for Katie, but that's because I know everything about her. 

I couldn't even begin to think what to get Harry.

What do 18 year old boys like!?

"Errrrgg." I groaned and flopped down onto my bed.

"Oh come on, there must be something!" Molly and I were trying to figure out what to get Harry for Christmas, I needed her expertise.  

But, if there was anyone that would know my Hazza as well as me, it's Louis.

"Hang on one sec, Mol." I got up and walked to Louis room, who was currently one the phone with Eleanor.

"Sorry babe, I'll call you back. Hayley's having present issues." How'd he know?

He hung up the phone and I sighed.

"You didn't have to do that. And how'd you know!?" I asked.

"You're not the first too come to me with that concern in your face." He pointed out.

I sighed. "Guess not. So can you help me?"

"Sure can! I was going to go shopping today, wanna come?" He invited.

"Sure thing. Just me and Lou!" I shouted.

Louis shoved me out of his room to get dressed. "Unless you want to see my sexiness under my pajamas?" Louis asked with a raised eyebrow.

I giggled. "Not a chance Boo-Bear. But hurry up! We have work to do!"

"Alright, alright woman!" He shouted slamming his door.

I ran into my room and told Molly what was going on. I grabbed my jacket and headed downstairs to the boys.

"Hey, me and Lou are going shopping, you guys stay here." I demanded.

"Whoa, love. Why so frigid?" Harry said wrapping his arms around me.

I ripped him off my body, playing hard to get. "Because, it's for all of you."

There was a chorus of "oh's" and Louis was finally downstairs.

"We're off chaps! See you all later!" Louis shouted grabbing the car keys.

We headed out the door, and into the van.

Louis kept going on and on about what he wanted to get Eleanor.

"But I need advice, chicken!" Louis shouted.

"I know, I know Lou. But I don't know her as well as you! All you need to do, is follow your heart. Something that means a lot to her." I explained.

"I don't know anything like that other than me." He joked.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure Lou."

We finally made it to the mall, and I dashed inside.

I looked around at the stores and was going to run into one, but Louis caught my shoulder.

He laughed. "Whoa there. Meet back here in and hour, okay?"  

"Mkay." I dashed off to the store. I knew how much he liked Jack Willis, but I couldn't find anything that caught my eye.

I searched frantically for a half an hour.

A jewelry store finally caught my eye and I ran in, nearly knocking someone over.

Their bad spilled out onto the floor, and I knelt down to pick it up. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to knock you over." I stood up and I laughed when I found out who it was.

My New Life. (A One Direction Fan Fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant