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Darkened trees in the gentle, suburb breeze
The words of the moon, to a old, timely tune
The brick house, sits beneath the moon
My hands touch the bricks
orange-redish, rusted,  the porch hugged in the delicate dust. 
This is my solitude in spite of the noise around my life

When you return to the brick house, with your loving spouse
It's doused in ivy and spiny scourse.

Nothing like it was before
Standing tall, stilted not
Darkened soot, scars of wars long since fought
But now all is quiet in the brick house, that sits beneath the moon.

And I say to myself, I will see you soon.

And I say to myself, I will see you soon

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Words Of The Dead- Words Of The Living- #Wattys2019Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin