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Will is an angel
With electric storms in your blinking eyes
And your poorly met drunk high fives
In the back alleyways where we played pool
And you always missed the pockets
And nearly stuck a fork through kitchen sockets 

It's true that I missed the old you
Cause it's been a while since I seen him
A little immature teen that thought he ran the universe
Throw your converse on the table 
I'll comfort as much as I'm able
To wrap you in my scarf made from sable hair
And I'll always try and make you care
Because Will you are an angel

We'd walk across the clouds one by one
We'd play pool and I'd make sure ya won
I'd lift my hands to block the sun from your eyes
And I'd advise, my mother
To let you stay for tea
Share a room but not a bed
Say our prayers, take daily bread
And banish these terrible thoughts from our heads

Diced up, sign my affidavit
Existence is overrated
Mental danger
My spirit animal's endangered
If you solve your internal division
I'll take the remainders
And one day we'll take our findings to the papers
If they still exist
Tell the world how hearts are walkie talkies
Different signals
But that don't make us sinful
Because Will, you are an angel
Will, you are an angel to me

Words Of The Dead- Words Of The Living- #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now