Chapter One

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My worst nightmare seemed to have unfolded right before my eyes. Despite my begging and pleading, I had been dragged along to the "newest and hottest" club in town. Standing outside in the perishing November air waiting to be ushered into a room full of sweaty people dancing to pop music was not my idea of fun. Gigs on the other hand were. I realised that I was desperately holding onto my fake I.D, hoping it would be denied and then I would have an excuse to leave. Knowing my luck, the security won't even look. 

"Don't look so depressed! C'mon cheer up! We're gonna have so much fun I promise!" smiled Kim while tugging on my arm. I snorted and rolled my eyes dismissively. Nothing good could come out of tonight. Nothing.

I was wrong.

Half an hour had passed and we had eventually reached the front of the line. I held my breath as I handed the security my fake I.D He nodded approvingly and showed us through the door, Great. The club was hot with the pressing of scantily dressed bodies. The stench of beer and sweat was overwhelming. I suddenly felt faint and light-headed. Kim leaned close to my face and shouted over the loud music. 

"I'm getting us a beer okay? Go make us some friends babycheeks!" She winked and pushed her way to the bar. Watching as Kim left , I felt unbelievably uncomfortable, standing alone wearing a hand-me-down dress that didn't fit properly. The smoke, the horrible smell and the pounding beat of the music vibrating my bones didn't help my nausea. I found a seat beside a couple , who should have gotten a room by now, and put my head on my lap. I shouldn't have come. I should have stayed in my room. Everything was better in my room. I stretched my legs out and immediately regretted it. Someone tripped over my foot. 

"Sorry oh my god I'm so sorry" I stuttered and stood up to face a tall boy with black hair. 

"Oh well at least my beer survived!" The boy laughed. His laugh was contagious. It sounded strangely familiar.  "Hey I'm Jack" he winked, holding out his hand.

Damned If I Do Ya [An All Time Low Fanfic]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu