Chapter Twenty

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"Someone's excited to see us!" Rian joked as I ran over and hugged him and Jack. I closed my eyes and let a laugh escape.

"I missed you guys!" I smiled and pulled Zack and Alex into a group hug. Alex looked over my shoulder into the living room, gawking. 

"We didn't leave it this clean." Alex realised and dragged two other bags in. I started to help bringing in their gear. His pink hair was starting to fade quickly.

"Yeah I cleaned up a bit."  I admitted, propping Jacks guitar against the wall. It was starting to get dark outside, the large full moon was rising in the clear dark sky.

Once all the bags were inside, they left to have showers before we went out to celebrate their succesful tour. I sank down on the sofa next to Jack who was too much of a "rockstar" to have a shower.

"How was the tour?" I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder. He nodded and protuded his lower lip out. 

"It was okay. I missed you! How was - uh- England?" he asked carefully. He was tredding on eggshells.

"Fine, I suppose. I saw my Dad again." I muttered, not wanting to talk about the obvious elephant in the room, Mum.


"He has a new wife and a son. He's changed so much. He really loves them." I commented.

"Hey, he loves you too!" Jack insisted.

I laughed quickly. "Sure." I said sarcastically and turned to face him. 

"What?" Jack qustioned, confused. His brow furred and he frowned.

"Nothing, never mind." I said and kissed him quickly  before heading upstairs. "We need to get dressed! Come on!" I shouted at him. 

"Who are those guys outside Matt?"

"Who? What guys? What do they look like?"

"Em, there's a tall brunette guy, a blonde guy, a guy with dreadlocks and another one with a beanie covering his hair. Matt?"


"Who are they? Please? Tell Me."

"Look, you don't know them. Let me deal with them. Stay inside and don't come out. No matter what okay? Promise?!"

"I p-promise."

An hour passed and we were in a packed club downtown. People chattered at the bar, clinked glasses and sang along to the insanely loud popular music the DJ was playing. It smelt of smoke and sweat as I pushed my way through the large throng of dancing people. Bright lights flashed, illuminating the dim inky black nightclub. I squeezed to a table as a gin and tonic was slid in front of me. I locked eyes with the person sitting at the table and raised my eyebrows accusingly. I took a step backwards looking for Jack, Rian, Alex or Zack. They were all at the bar getting drinks and laughing amongst themselves. I screamed at them hoping that, miraculously , they would  hear me. They continued to joke and started to make their way through the dense crowd on the dancefloor. I felt a pair of hand on my waist. I slapped them away but they were back again. The hairs on the back of my arms raised. 

"You left without a hello." The voice whispered close to my ear. I shivered.

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