Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Oh, fuck ow!" Claire shouted from the kitchen.

I turned my head toward the corridor and handed Alex my hair straighteners before walking down to the kitchen quickly. Claire sat on the floor, facing away from me, bending over. 

"Claire?" I asked cautiously putting my hand on her shoulder, "Are you okay?"

"I stubbed my toe!" She whined and rubbed her foot.  I rolled my eyes and laughed a little before helping her up. 

"When are we going?" She asked, starting to make toast. 

"We have to be there soon, so get dressed and I'll fix your toast for you." I said, eyeing up her baggy pyjamas. I was already dressed and ready. She had stayed over last night as we had an early start to the day. 

"Thank you!" she smiled gratefully and left to get ready. 

I took out her toast and started spreading her Nutella. I left it on the couter and sat down in a chair. The last message I got from Jack was just as he boarded his flight. I counted on my fingers to calculate the hours left, smiling as I did so. His flight had been scheduled to leave at midnight, but got delayed for a few  hours.

"Looking foward to today?" Zack asked as he started searching the cupboards for food.  

I smiled and nodded, "Yeah, thank you by the way!" 

"It's no problem, plus Jack begged us." Zack mumbled through a mouthful of Doritos. 

 I laughed and played with my phone in my hands. We only had to drive for about 30 minutes but Claire was holding up the whole band by taking ten minutes to get dressed. 

Eventually, we were on the road, bags packed and instruments stowed in the back. We couldn't pick up Jack as he was still flying. He would be getting a taxi later to the venue. 

"You ready?" Alex asked from the passengers seat.

I grinned and nodded, "Yeah, my first show!" 

Everyone laughed as Claire shouted over us, telling us about her first concert. It was a disaster but she ended up meeting the band. I leaned over Claire to stare out the window. There was a large queue outside the venue, curling around the corner. They all screamed as we drove past and Alex stuck his head out the window and greeted them as we drove past.

"What band was it?" Rian asked as he drove around the corner to a parking space behind the venue and next to a bus. 

"You guys!" Claire smiled as we all clambered out of the car. I remember that night. Claire called me during Time Bomb but I could barely hear anything over the crowds screaming and Claires singing. 

We slammed the door behind us and walked through an alley to a back door. Alex already knew the way from the numerous shows they had played in this venue. 

"Eww! Don't touch me!" An annoying, irritating high -pitched voice squeled and flinched away. I walked away from the shelves of food, quickly grabbing a packet of spaghetti, a bag of bananas and a jar of sauce before heading to the counter to pay. I heard a frustrated sigh and a foot being stamped from behind and I smiled. I paid and quickly left the shop, not wanting to make a scene. I made it five minutes and passed the park before I felt a tap on my shoulder. I whirled around and raised my eyebrows.

"Oh hey there. Miss me much?" I asked sarcastically, eyebrows raised. 

"Oh you're so funny, aren't you?"  

"It's just a hobby, you know? You should get one." She opened her mouth to say something but I talked over her, "Sucking dicks isn't one."  

Her mouth hung wide as I laughed. I turned on my heel and started to walk away, a smile spread across my face.

"Everyone knows what you did, you sicko."  Tessa shouted from behind me. I stopped for a minute, not looking back. I shook my head, my hair tickling my cheek.

"Do you think I care?" I shouted back before continuing walking to the house. I did care, I just didn't want people to know that I did. 

Jacks POV 

I looked out at the large crowd that had shown up to tonights show.  Everyday these fans surprised me with their dedication. Someone had been here since 6 AM just to get a good place in the large throng of dancing teenagers. I smiled out at the crowd, as more bras got thrown at the stage. I quickly picked them up, hanging them on my mike stand. I always laughed at the stuff people had written on them, I turned my head to scan over them. Just phone numbers, Twitter usernames and random messages. I danced around Alex whilst he sang into the microphone, just audible over the deafening screams of the fans. 

"Long live the Reckless and the Brave, I don't think I wanna be saved, my song has not been sung. So long live us."  

Alex looked at me as he sang, I could see what he was trying to say. I looked to my right and saw Holly and Claire stood behind the curtain, dancing. They noticed me staring and gave me a thumbs up. I stuck out my tongue and walked up to Alex and played beside him. Cameras flashed brightly so I closed my eyes. This was the last song before Therapy, so we had a two song break. The song finally ended and the crowd screamed loudly and Zack, Rian and I dashed off stage, Claire and Holly caught us all in a group hug and screamed over the crowd. We couldn't hear but it was a compliment. We all walked back to the dressing room and we started to drink and talk.  My phone buzzed as Alex started to play Remembering Sunday. I quickly jumped up before Holly could answer it. 

"Sorry, it's Jacob. Be back in two minutes." I hesistated as she nodded and I walked out into the corridor and answered it. 

"Hello?" I answered nervously.

"It's Jacob. Oh my god man.How much trouble are you in?" He laughed down the phone, loudly.

I slapped my hand to my forehead and muttered, "I don't even know, we're taking a break from the gig now, but I don't even want to think about it." 

Jacobs laughter from the other end was loud from the other end.

"Your problem, not mine."

"Shut up, I was drunk, no feelings or anything."

"You went out with her?"

"Long time ago. Look I have to go play,  I'll talk to you soon." I said before quickly hanging up, not waiting for his goodbye. I sighed deeply and turned around to walk back into the dressing room. Something blocked my way. 

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