Chapter Eight

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The next morning I was woken up by the sound of Zack tiptoeing into the living room and trying to take his bass. Unfortunately, as he walked past where I slept, he banged the end of the bass off the coffee table and dropped it. I rolled over to see him bending over to pick up his bass.
“Sorry. That woke you up didn’t it?” he asked.
“No, it’s fine. Honestly. Hey do you know where the toilet is?” I said sitting up.
“It’s just right across the hall. It might smell a bit. Just warning you.” He smiled and walked upstairs before I could say thanks.
I quickly ran into the bathroom to check how bad I looked. My hair had curled in the night and I had small black bags under my eyes. I spied a hair straightener. It was probably Alex’s. Would he be angry if I used it? Probably. I looked around the large bathroom. It was definitely bigger than my room in Patricks and Juliet’s house. I splashed some water on my face and combed my hair through with my fingers. I dried my face and opened the door to return to my makeshift bed. Alex stood in the doorway of the bathroom. He was wearing just pyjama pants
“Oh sorry Holly, I didn’t know you were in there.” said Alex smiling.
“Uh, yeah Zack told me it was in here.” I said, suddenly feeling very awkward. I looked down at myself.  I was wearing only a top that came to just mid-thigh. He seemed to notice too and walked away. “You hungry Holly?” he asked.
I followed him down a corridor, “Um yeah, I suppose.”

He turned right and I followed him into the kitchen. Wow. It was amazing. The cabinets were sparkling white. It had a large island in the middle and a massive window that overlooked a large looking green garden.
“So what’ll be Walker?” Alex asked searching through the cupboards.
“How do you know my name is Walker?” I asked.
“Oh Jack told me. Sorry Holly.” He turned around and bent down to another cupboard.
The guys hadn’t gone shopping for a while and were surviving on pizza and KFC, as Alex informed me. The only things they had left were a few pieces of bread, Nutella, half a box of Rice Krispies and beer. Alex and I shared the bread and ate out of the Nutella jar.
“So, you ran away from your home?” asked Alex as he ate a handful of Rice Krispies.
“It’s not my home; it’s just where I lived.” I said crossing my legs. We were both sitting on the kitchen island.
“Why did you live in a Foster Family?” Alex asked.
“It’s a long story and I don’t really-” I said but I interrupted by a loud noise from upstairs.

“Alex! You whore, where are you?!” shouted Jack from upstairs.
“In the kitchen bitch!” Alex roared back. He slid off the island and I did the same. Jack came running down the stairs like an over excited kid on Christmas. He slid into the kitchen and stopped himself by grabbing the kitchen island. He held a sheet of paper in his hand. It was crumpled and had a lot of writing on it. On the back were tabs he had written for the guitar and bass.
“I wrote a song. It took me all night and you better like it you basterd. Oh hi Holly.”Jack said out of breath and waved. I didn’t answer because he had already given the sheet to Alex. Alex smoothed it down on the kitchen island and began to read. Jack looked over one shoulder and I, the other. Jacks’ writing was messy and scribbled but I could just about decipher some of the writing.

“The Reckless and The Brave” was written up the top.
“Long live the Reckless and The Brave. I don’t think I wanna be saved. My song has not been sung. So long live us.”
My jaw dropped. I looked over at Jack but he was already staring at me. “What?” I mouthed silently to him. He just shrugged. My mind flashed back to when he had come to pick me up.

“Damn. Why did you sleep on the street anyway?”
“I’m reckless and brave.”
“Hey that would be a good song.”

No, he didn’t write it about me. I continued reading.
“Breaking out of a town called suburbia. I remember everybody always saying “Little Brat must be crazy never make it in our vicious little world” Still I’m leaving.”
I looked at Jack again but he was watching Alex. I stopped reading. Alex suddenly stood up and walked away. “Hey guys! Jacks wrote a good song! He even did tabs!”
Jack sat down and looked around. “So did you sleep well?” he asked.
I stared at him but I didn’t talk back. “OMG I, like, love your shirt! Where did you get it?” Jack asked, in a high-pitched voice.
“Okay, I’m sorry.” Said Jack once again, “Is it that obvious it’s about you?” he asked.
I nodded and put my elbows down on the counter beside him.

Next door, Alex and Zack had started plugging in their instruments and Alex was warming up his voice.
“Just a bit.” I said, staring at him.
“Do you want me to get rid of it?” he asked turning towards me.
“No. You worked hard on that song!”
“So you don’t want me to get rid of it?” he asked, obviously confused.
“No but, I’m just. It’s just . I don’t know- ” I didn’t know how to explain it.
“Okay. I know there is a few lines that are very obviously about you.” He stopped as Alex started to sing louder.
Alex sang over the loud bass and guitar , “So long live us!”
Jack and I both looked at each other.
“Yeah, what about that line?” I asked.
He laughed and he was alot closer than before. Damn he was tall. He wrapped a long arm around my waist. “Yeah, that ones about you too.” I felt his smile as he pressed his lips against mine. 

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