Chapter Thirteen

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A week later I was in Kims car on my way to her new apartment to spend Christmas with her and Claire. Kims parents owned a large, famous printing company and had paid for her downtown L.A pad. They were in Austria for Christmas with Kims younger brothers. Jack and the rest of the band had left last night for the airport to fly back to Baltimore. They had each bought me a Christmas present, which was too kind of them considering they had only known me for a month. I had bought them all a gift as well with the money I had left.
“Promise me you will watch Home Alone over Christmas again?” Jack said before he left. I had already said my goodbyes to the rest of the band and they were packing their bags in the boot of the car.
“Yes, I pinky promised you last night.” I smiled.
“That’s not the only thing you did last night.” He laughed. I punched his arm.
“Someone did the dance with no pants.” Alex winked as he carried his suitcase to the car.
“Yeah, me and you! Did it not mean anything to you?” Jack joked, doing his Macauley Culkin face. He did it in every conversation around Christmas time.
“Of course, it did babe.” Alex said, grabbing the last suitcase in the house, “Hurry up.”

“Gonna miss your face Walker.”
“Yours too Barakat.”
“Even this one?” asked Jack. He squished his face up and frowned.
“Even that one.”
“What about this one?” He opened his eyes and mouth wide.
“Maybe, not that one.” I laughed.
He quickly pressed his lips against mine before Rian opened the door and dragged Jack out the door. Rian was too strong for Jack. Rumours about Jack and I were spreading through the All Time Low fandom. He had been caught by paparazzi with me downtown. I had accidently walked behind Alex when he was doing a Twitcam. Jack was getting spammed on Twitter, “Does Jolly exist?” “What happened to Jalex?”  Thankfully, they had not heard about Claires baby.
“Sorry Holly, we’re going to miss our flight.” He said as he threw Jack in the back seat with Zack.
“Hey I thought I was driving!” Jack protested.
“You’ll get us killed.” Alex shouted and pulled away. They all waved as they drive off. I waved and stood in the doorway until the car disappeared. I sat on the stairs next to my already packed suitcase.

Kim pulled her new car her parents had bought her into the underground car park for her apartment block and stepped out of the car.
“What floor are you on?” I asked Kim, dragging out suitcases out from the car.
“Fourth floor. There’s only six floors. You’ll see why when we get up there.” She smiled from ear to ear and stepped into the elevator.
Weird elevator music played for the short journey up until we reached Kims floor. As we stood out into the corridor with my suitcase I realised there was only two doors both on the opposite sides of the long hallway.
Kim walked over to the right and unlocked it and walked inside. Wow. I had never seen an apartment like this.  It had a large wooden modern kitchen and dining area. Kim had ingredients on the table.

She saw me look at them and smiled, “It’s Christmas, I want to make cookies okay?”
An hour later, we were eating our slightly burned cookies and watching Kims, also new, large TV. We spaced them too close together and by the time we had rescued them, they had joined together. Jack text me when they arrived home and once again reminded me of our promise. I laughed and Kim looked at me suspiciously. She stood up, clapped her hands and told us to put all our presents under her fake, but realistic tree. She hadn’t really decorated the tree, just hung some lights around it.  Kim had already put hers under the tree. Dozens of packages were labelled from her parents. I looked sadly at them and took out the four I had from the guys and the two I had for Kim and Claire. I sent Ciaras present back to Ireland, as she was staying there for Christmas. Claire took out the presents she had been sent from her large family. I hadn’t been sent anything from Patrick and Juliet. They had tried to call me but I didn’t need to talk to them anymore.
“Holly, you’re going to have to sleep on the couch. Sorry I only have two bedrooms. Unless you want to bunk with one of us?” Kim said yawning.
“The couch is fine.” I muttered and fell asleep before I could change my clothes.

The next morning, Kim woke me up by jumping on top of me and hitting me with a pillow while Claire sang, “It’s Christmas time again. It’s time to be nice to the people you can’t stand all year.”
I sat up and rubbed my eyes and sat up. Claire started throwing presents to the couch and we started unwrapping. Kim got a new iPhone, as she scratched hers. Claire, appropriately, had gotten The Big Bang Theory boxset.
“You do realize, that the whole time I’m pregnant, I’m going to make you both sing Soft Kitty nonstop?”
“The poor baby.” Kim and I both laughed.
I started to open Zack and Rians present. They had bought be a cow print onsie pyjama. They had written a note.
Now you have your own pyjamas so no more of Jacks shirts! This would so turn Jack on by the way. Merry Christmas! Zack and Rian.”
We all laughed together. Claire threw over Alexs present for me. I opened it and smiled.
“Hahaha, look at what the clothing line made! Thought you should have the first one, since you are the whole reason why it’s here. Happy Christmas!”
I took the top out. It had an anchor and “Long live the Reckless and The Brave” on it. I laughed a little too much.  Kim and Claire had never heard the song and didn’t understand why I was blushing.
“Jack’s next!” Claire winked and threw his at me.
I carefully opened his. The first item was a box set of the Home Alone films. He scribbled a note on it “Hahaha. Now we can watch it in HD!” The second item was a blink-182 shirt. He had written another note, “You stole my boner shirt, now you have to wear the same shirt as me!”
Claire took his presents away and tried to read the scribbled writing.
“His writing is atrocious!” Claire laughed.
“I need food.” Kim said and stalked into the kitchen, I followed her until Claire called me back.
“Bitch! Jack text you! And guess who’s reading it right now?” Claire laughed from the living room. I chased her around the tree until she gave it back to me. That probably wasn’t good for the baby.

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