Chapter Thirty One

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Why didn't you tell me?" Jack asked, trying to reach for the envelope once again. Agitated, I slid it under my legs and crossed my arms. He raised his eyebrows and I started to speak. 

"I only got it yesterday, you were back in Baltimore." I lied sitting on my hands. It wasn't much of a lie; I had gotten it a few days before however Alex was the only one that knew. I had forgotten about college plans, until I received that letter. Zack coughed awkwardly, making me stop thinking. He sauntered out of the kitchen, leaving an unbearable silence between Jack and I.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you. It's just with Claire telling me-" I started, stuttering over my words. 

Jack suddenly snapped out of his daydream, eyes wide, "Why? What did she tell you?" 

"Her little brother, he's in hospital, it’s nothing serious though." I announced and slid off the kitchen counter, the envelope in my hand. Jack breathed out heavily, and took the letter from me.

I sat beside him as we started to read the long letter. His eyes skimmed over most of it, only looking for the important things. I turned away from Jack , to the oven. Zack had finished my eggs, so I slid next to Jack with my breakfast. He continued to read with his eyes squinted, occasionally picking food off my plate. I slid it away and started to eat the rest quickly before he could steal more. He carefully folded up the letter, slid it back into the envelope and hugged me. He rested his chin on my head as I smiled into his chest. 

"Well done, I'm proud of you!" He gushed excitedly. He pulled away and left to make his breakfast. He started to root through the collection of cereal boxes, looking for something to eat. 

"So when do you start?" Jack asked, ripping open a box of Cookie Crisp. 

"September I think? Well it depends on what course-" I started but stopped as the bag of cereal spilt onto the floor. He shouted and bent down to pick up the pieces, frowning.

Alex walked in and smiled smugly,

"Revenge" he laughed and started to crush the cereal under his feet. 

“Dude!” Jack shouted angrily and grabbed Alex’s leg, rendering him unable to move. Eventually Alex had to reach down and wrestle Jack off his leg. I couldn’t help but laugh loudly. Rian strolled in negligentlyand placed his arm on the back of my chair.

“My moneys on Alex, yours?”

“Jack. Ten bucks?” I offered holding out my hand.

Rian nodded and shook my hand with his free arm. He leaned his elbows on the island and started texting. I reached over the counter to play with Jacks phone until they finished fighting. I opened a random app and started to play, not paying much attention. Jack’s phone vibrated for a brief moment and beeped in my hand, signalling that he had received a text.

“Jack, you got a text.” I shouted over his laughs. He stopped and pushed Alex away from him. I returned to the menu and opened his message for him. My eyes quickly glanced over the message before I turned it to Jack.

Whitney : What did u tell ur girlfriend say about the other night in Baltimore? Bet she dumped ur sorry ass! X

I looked at the text once again as Jack grasped for the phone. I cocked my head to the side, puzzlement obviously evident on my face. Jack quickly read the short text whilst Alex looked over Jacks shoulder at the phone. Alex sent Rian a worried look before turning his back to Jack, shaking his head, in a disappointing manner. Rian’s eyes danced around the room until he decided to leave for the living room, avoiding trouble. Jack set the phone down on the table and bit down on his lip, eyes glued to the countertop. I could see him bite the inside of his cheek. I slid off the kitchen stool and ran up the stairs two at a time. I could hear Jack calling after me and Alex trying to make sense of the situation. I just managed to slam Jacks door behind me as he reached the landing of the stairs. He cursed and knocked on the door.

“Holly. Holly. Holly.” He said quietly, slapping his hand to the door each time, “Let me in please.”

Grabbing a cushion from the bed, I plopped down on the floor in front of the door.

“What happened Jack?” I asked softly. I heard a sigh from the other side of the door and shuffling as he scooted closer to the locked door.

“I’ll tell you, just please believe me Holly.” He said grimly, “The day before my flight, I was pissed off. I had missed the first plane and I had to wait even longer to see you. Whitney, she came to my house. She dragged me out to a bar to see a few old friends. We all had a bit too many. I was so drunk, I don’t even remember it happening. I'm sorry, Whitney kissed me and I-"

The first tear drop was about to fall. I tried to blink it away but I couldn't. A flood of  tears ran down my pale cheeks and stained the pillow. I started to sniffle and Jack knocked on the door again, turning the doorknob with the other hand.

"Unlock the door Holly!" He pleaded again. I saw as his large brown eye peep through the keyhole, trying to look at me. I grabbed a cardigan off the floor and hung it over the doorhandle, blocking his view. 

"Where's my suitcase?" I managed to ask as I opened up the wardrobe doors, staring at my clothes.

"I hid it after you came back from England. Now open the door. Please." He repeated. I contemplated opening it but a lump stuck its way in my throat and I climbed under the still unmade bed covers to drone out the sound of Jacks voice. 

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